Sunday, February 14, 2010

Life Is A Vicious Cycle

Baby, toddler, child, teen, adult, age and get old. Scary thing is to age and start forgetting everything in life. Everything.
Even those really precious moments and people that has been part of your life, that has brought colours to your life....

Day one of lunar new year is getting more heart wrecking each year. The relative we always visit is slowly forgetting every single thing. And the lost look in her eye is just.... Too upsetting. Every time I look at how she stares at one person just to try her utmost best to remember who the hell that person is, it just hurts me. I couldn't even bear to look at her for long without struggling to hold my tears. It's really dumb and I know I'm the only one feeling horrible just looking at her.

But life is such a f*cked up reality game we all have to play.

I can't imagine aging and forgetting everything and everyone i love in life.

Stop playing and fooling with the humans and return memories to her!

PS: just need to get this out while I sweat like mad in my relatives place with adults talking about alienish stuffs! Thank god there's WiFi here!

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