Friday, January 01, 2010

Hello 2010!! ♥♥♥

See this from the right!
*Throws confetti everywhere, disturbing readers~~~


Had a confusing but awesome end to 2009 and an absolutely fabulous start to 2010. Definitely not only because of the activities we had but most importantly the companion that was there... (:

♥♥♥Extremely short summary♥♥♥

First stop, Mt. Faber! :D

It was a confusing end to 2009 because; we were playing "Manopoly- Deal Cards". And in the midst of it, fireworks started to shoot up, and it's 2010 already! Lol. Damn wth because the last time we checked we still had 5minutes to spare lo! The atmosphere was totally not there because NO ONE in the packed area countdown-ed... -.- And, fireworks weren't really nice either. Lol.

But I guess because best friends were there together, everything was still good. :D

Then, airport to walk walk and look look~~ ;)
Ahh! We took photos too. Heh.

Didn't do much in the airport actually; we really just walked, sit and looked around. Went over there to spend some precious and nice time together because we ran out of idea of where to go. hehehe. T3's a really nice place. :D

And then to Yaping's place to CHILL! Lol.
Not to sleep. Just that, a few of us were exhasuted; we K.O! :D

Jolene, Samuel and Soohou slept the most among us all! :D I slept a little in the later part after playing two rounds of "Bang!" and two rounds of "Monopoly - Deal Cards!". Then, gave breakfast a miss and headed home. :D


Was pretty late to meeting clique... Instead of going down to Gary's place as planned, the few of them came over to drive Yaping and I out... Lol. While waiting for them, bought some of their dinner...
And Yaping ordered shan packet instead of san. LOL! (Some chinese mispronounciation)

Then then then, vroom vroom to our first destination! :D
Mr. Faber~~~~ :D

GaGaHou's car. ;)

Gary's! With Samuel at the passengers' seat~

It was a longggg ride to Mt. Faber. About... 45minutes? LOL!

Okay, I wanted to take a picture of the other car but I forgot I had flash on so... yeah.. Nice effect, still; right? ^^

There~ The other car!
This is a nice picture because if you take a closer look, you won't be able to see Weishan. ;)

Another nice shot because you can't really see Weishan! LOL~

This is, if I'm not wrong, at Mt. Faber already... ^^
And if I'm not wrong again, we were searching for parking lots.

The search took a freaking long time please! We went round the place like... 5 times?! Spent about 30minutes searching for one pathetic slot! Lol.
But later, we got lucky. Hehehe.

The ones who had their car parked first because Gary gave them the first slot we found. (:

Have I mentioned? THE PLACE WAS FREAKING PACKED!!! Oh my god. The whole stretch of road was filled with cars at one side and cars doing rounds to find parking lots at the other. :S

Also, the manoeuvres were... :S Going around once is fine but after a few times, you'll feel extremely dizzy ah! And, we were nice enough to stay put in Gary's car even though we can just alight first. Hahaha! Good friend material = Yaping and Jasmine. LOL!

Alighted and toilet-ed.

When we were taking another picture, Gary and Sam started to grumble.
Samuel : "Eh! Faster, we need to look for the rest~"
Gary : "Don't think we don't know what you two doing inside! Got flash hor!"

Took some time to find each other after that. LOL! They walked down when we went up and vice versa. LOL! End up agreeing to just wait at one point. -.- LOL.

While Weishan and Jolene went to the toilet... :D

They took quite long ahhh!

And it was due to a long queue.
We still thought they were busy taking pictures like us. =x HAHAHA!

Walking up to Mt. Faber Point.
Yaping, Gary and I ganged up with a plan to disturb Weishan and Jolene.

Yaping brought one of those noisy things she got from the Christmas countdown @ the bowling alley and a whistle. They were freaking loud!! But we just made the noises near their ears anyway. LOL.

It was pretty much VERY packed. With people BBQ-ing some more. -.-
And, we smelled Durian! Omg~ LOL!

Weishan craved for durian and influenced me too! Hahaha!

Finding a spot to settle down.

Fried Rice anyone? LOL!

Yes, Fried Rice was dinner for the three of them.

Soohou and Jolene.

Ugly and Budget Blackie... =x And a little of Soohou.

PS: Not the person in it.

This picture is also nice... Because, my best friend Weishan look funny and a bit kuku in here. HAHAHA!

My pretty best friend, Budget Blackie. =x

More cam-whoring while Samuel, Gary and Yaping were eating and while we were just chilling out.

After they are done with their food, we started to lay out cards to play. Gary brought BANG! and Monopoly - Deal Cards.

Learning Bang! game.
I think this is a pretty fun game lo. Like it more than Monopoly - Deal Cards. ;) Needs a little thinking, and doesn't end really fast. :D

Ivy and Karen. LOL!


Yaping and her balloon. . .
She kept forgetting I kindda hate and is scared of them; she hit me with it, wants me to write names on it and hits me with it! LOL. Yaping's a meanie... heheeh

Test shot for self shots. :D

And her face enlarges!!! LOL.

Group photooooo~~ :D
One we can never miss out!

Yaping looks freaking funny in here! HAHAHA!
She wanted to get into the picture. LOL! But I thought she could just pose properly. LOL.

Last shots together in 2009!!! :D

Gary Weishan Soohou

AND YES! Monopoly - Deal Cards time~~
Weishan prefers this game because it involves money. LOL!

When we played halfway through first round that night (and last round in 2009), the sky was suddenly...


Unfortunately, though there were three fireworks view, they were freaking small because it was far! And, the place was mostly surrounded by trees. -.-

YAY!! It's 2010~~~
Like we're clubbing yeah? LOL!

No Gary = NICE PICTURE!!! Lol.

Nope, we didn't kiss. :S

Guess who!

Nicest firework shot we have!

Suppose to take with fireworks, but there weren't any apparently. -.-

More pictures!! First in 2010~~ :D

First group photo in 2010~~
These people rocks! :D

Yaping wanted to release this balloon into the air. But it won't fly lo. LOL!
So she was only posing. hahaha.

Nice picture. :D

Walking to the car to head out~~ :D

Something up their sleeves!

!!! Who's the father of your baby, Weishan? LOL!
Yaping's idea!! LOL.

Next up, GaGaRy's car!! LOL.

Took another long ride to airport~~ LOL!
We ran out of idea so.. airport was a good one. ;)

Front seats~

Back seat~ And I was asking Samuel to join !!! :(

Reached airport.
Something unexpected happened.
Delayed our time.
Ruined some of our mood.
=.= So freaking lame.

But anyway, spirits were brought up again!
That's the way, uh huh uh huh, I like it, uh huh uh huh!

Buying drinks while deciding where to walk. LOL.

Very high Ping~

SAMUEL!!!! :@

Me, Jolene, Yaping and Weishan!

aish! We tried but we can't get rid of the black spot behind~ LOL!


Threesome. =x LOL!

Kids playing in the airport. -.-
They were rushing and stepping only on the black boxes. LOL!

End up settling at MacDonalds to chill and buy drinks~

Yes, only drinks because Jolene didn't wanna buy food.

While chilling in MacDonalds.

Compare the head size! Need we say more? LOL.

This is damn funny. But I'm lazy to explain already. LOL!


Walking and looking for people to take pictures for us. LOL!

This is pretty cool. Killed about 15minutes of our time. LOL!

I like this picture!

This is the outside!
When we went in, Soohou was claiming that he's buying the house or something like that. LOL. Damn cute.
Continued to walk around until the few of them finally decides to buy Macs as their supper. :D

While waiting for Gary and Yaping.

Tired Lance.

So we separated and headed down to Yaping's place.
I was with Soohou and he followed Gary to a route he's unfamiliar with. And we both end up spending a long time to reach Yaping's place. LOL!

Jolene and Samuel were asleep when Soohou and I reached.

So, we settled down and started to play the card games. :D
2 rounds each before I got bored and decides to surrender to my dry eyes and my fatigue.


Reached home around 8:14am after giving breakfast a miss with the clique. :D
Washed up.
On TV & stoned.
Only to remember one show after a while.
Switched channel, stared at it.
LOL! Too brain dead.
Then, I slept while watching the show. LOL!

Funny thing was, I had a conversation with Weishan few hours before something like this:
"Don't watch TV la. I'll sleep..."
"How can you sleep while watching TV? I've never slept while watching TV."

And yeah, few hours later; I actually slept while watching TV. -.- LOL!
Slept from 10am to 2pm and online-d doing nothing until I decide to blog. Zzz LOL!



Yaping looks very cute here. hahaha. Bucky~~~

Last photo in 2009.

First group photo in 2010.

And airport loveeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :D
Love every single one of them! :D

Without them, I think we would be travelling restlessly by packed squeezy public transport! :D

Bye everyone!


Best companions, EVER!

//edited; FRIENDS' PERSPECTIVE and their blog entries. :D

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