Sunday, December 06, 2009

Grass Cutter.

Still alive and kicking though school work's piling up.
Past few nights have been near torture to me. Mind games. Hate those. It's even worse when you can't get them out of your head even after blabbering them out. x.x
Anyhow, I'm all better now. :D

Bad bad bad.

All I think about now is the nearing vacation!!! Can't really focus on anything I do! :S

2 more weeks uh! Oh me gawddddddddddd~~

Went out to town on Friday and Saturday to check out the sales in the new mall. Man, Friday was bad and Saturday was horrible! I hate crowds. And raining makes it all worse. Zzz

Just in case; I'm not being emo lately okay! I'm alright...
JUST REALLY REALLY HAVING MANY MANY RANDOM THOUGHTS from all the drama that's happening! :D

A minor thing said can really make a huge impact on another. Can you feel my heartbeat?
Going down the list... I didn't realise I was that...

Leeching imbeciles and people who can't accept critics about themselves are losers.
I don't see how some people can live by leeching off people and feeling good about it. Like... when you're solely praised/rewarded for something you did not do. Won't you feel weird/guilty that the work is not entirely your hardwork? :/
I can't understand how some people can bear grudges and live their days in anger and/or hatred. Isn't it tiring to do so? Like remembering what f*ed up things they have done, taking everything single thing to heart, feeling offended even for the slightest things and whatnot. It's amazing to me how some has the energy and memory to repeat in great details... what I call stories, to people again and again. (If only "people" has an "S" to it, I might end up filling this entry with just that letter. lol.) Does making everyone agree with your point makes you feel superior? Even when they only know your side of the story? :/ I would say they were just blinded by your manipulation. :D Silly.
If you feel the prick, you'll know what it means.
Menopause. Really can't stand it at times. The nags, the yelling, the unreasonable acts and bossing around. Gosh. Sometimes, it's just... :@ Frustrating.

Sometimes, I'll miss the past not because I can't let go but because the current situation makes me sick and tired of growing up and the environment I'm maturing in.
At least, there weren't so many to worried about.
At least, there weren't so many... childish episodes and irresponsible excuses.
At least, there weren't so many means and ways for you to smoke through you way.
At least, there weren't so many complicates to brood about.

The world has so many type of people, it's a wonder how he made the minds of ours so complicated and different from one another. That's making us unique and special, har? Lol.

I am tired. And I really need that two weeks break... :D Especially that vacation! LOL.

...Pathetic. That's what it is. Was, am and always.
But the number doesn't really matter. It's the feel you get from them, isn't it? :/

PS: First time typing such a long entry in such a speed! LOL.

Genuine smile, because I AM REALLY OKAY! (:

If anyone who reads this tells me to cheer up or ask me if I'm okay, I'm going to slap you! LOL...

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