Monday, September 21, 2009

When Two Bimbos meet~

When two happy bimbos meet; they just look at each other then take turns to laugh. =.= Silly laughs some more! Lol. *cough*My mother and How Yanling*cough*. LOL!
It was rather cute though; looking at them laugh... Haha.

*Phew~ Exhausted morning!
Finally met up with Yanling ~~~
She's one funny piece of donkey. LOL.

Had a nice longgggg morning chat with this duckie. And I'm so glad we don't hang out as often. x; LOL. wait wait wait! It's because, "Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder"... And when we meet up we'll have endless of things to update each other and things to talk about. Catching up with each other is always awesome!
But then again; we never lose topics to talk about when we always meet up uh.. LOL! Girls...

I realise; as we "age". We tend to really understand things and in a broader mindset... Really comfortable to talk to people you've known since young; Can tell them everythinggggggggggggggggggg~~~ Haha! (: SO LOOKING FORWARD TO THURSDAY! :D

I chased Yanling out of my house today though (She claims!) Lol.
Because she was so crazy after drinking Chicken Essences, she couldn't stop laughing like seriously! Lol.

Okay, random.
Came by because I was a tad bored.
Going to go prepare to meet up with Huanqing, Simin and and and and CHRISTINA!!!
Omg, been a longggggggggggggggggggggggggg time since we last met. Especially that Christina! Lol. Missed our last picnic session;
But it's okay, I shall forgive her because I CAN SPAZZ WITH HER...!!!

Geez Weishan's "Stop talking about K-Pop stuffs!" just popped in my head. :S Lol.

Bye people!
Shall update again tonight. ;)

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