Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Dream.

Yes, I've been updating my blog a lot lately and almost daily. Haha! This holiday is really the best so far among the three~~ :D

Time seem to pass really slowly as I live by the day. But now that I'm looking back; boy! It's been exactly 3weeks since my last paper. And, there's like about... 3more weeks to school re-open. HAHA! So fast luhhhhhhh~~~~

I just spoil your holiday mood yeah? ;)

Anyhow, I'm going to spend my next 3 like a pretty dream. Hehe.

Oh yeah! I got a 见面礼 (Which means a gift upon meeting or some sort) from Eloise!! Haha~ Or rather, I asked her to give me. x; Saw one of her wallpapers and really liked it so, I asked her to help me do one for Mr. touchie~~ Hehehe~ I think it's really pretty!!!

I know most of you will ask me to "Stop your K-Pop!" (Especially Weishan!) but I'm still uploading them up because I really like them. kekeke.



KAMSAMIDA, Eloise!!!!!

Finalised one. hehe.
Haven't sync it to Mr. touchie yet though. ;)

And, Eloise made me wanna get my hands dirty with Photoshop. Gahhhhhhhhhhhh ! Lol.

Okay, till here. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~

Next update prolly on Wednesday. Bahhhhhhhhhhhh!
More over at twitter. :)
I know, not that many of you care though. haha

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