Sunday, August 23, 2009

Rotten Sheep

Am bored and here to blog. Promise to do a short one~ xD

Officially became a rotten sheep over the weekend. Doing rotting stuffs like rotting, stoning, TV-ing, napping and staring at me laptop. -.- I hate it when I have no mood to do anything... :( Pray hard my studying mood comes back from her vacation tomorrow - else, I can bid farewell to good grades... Must be Budget Tan who pass her lazy virus to me! Lol.
reminds me, thank you Sheryl for the SMS- I LOVE YOU!!

Mum called the server and subscribed kids channel~~ so happy!! Am not being childish here, just young at heart! Hah~ More tv shows to keep me occupied!! anyway, glad I've finally learnt how to cook green bean soup.. ;) heh.

Okay, I should stop here.

Till the next time; goodbye!
Off for some drama mum rented... ;)

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