Sunday, May 03, 2009

Do The Crazy Dance!

After like... staying 93% at home for three whole days, I'M FINALLY ALL BETTER!!!! ;) Spent most of my time on my bed or on my parent's - else outside. Was near hell for the past few days. x.x First time being so sick, I'm usually very strong one okay! Lol.
Sucks to be sick I tell'ya. Can't do anything productive because your mind is partially in a daze. x.x

School tomorrow, looking forward because I'm all charged! Lol. &, oddly; I haven't had any Monday blues just yet. ^^

OMG! I need help~~ I totally don't get the context. Foreseeing problems and trouble. -.-

PS: Okay, just a random entry because I'm freaking bored. x.x

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