Saturday, March 14, 2009

A New Turn Yet Again.

I'm Sensing Another Change I Know I'll Loathe.

I have no idea why there are some people who love to suppress their feelings and only reveal them when everything's over. Like when the whole event or situation has come to a stand-still. Personally, I feel that opinions and feelings should be let known straight or at least when the even is still ongoing or something- especially if it's something nasty or rather unpleasant.

It's also stupid for people who push blames to others. Like seriously. If you were really that bothered and bored, you could have initiated and suggested something for us all to do. When we were seated together, you said nothing and just left for the game. And now you're accusing us for being boring because we slept?! You could have suggested straight to us when we were sitting together to head out to do something meaningful. You guys don't exactly play the games we play- how would we know if our ideas would end up receiving sarcastic, rude and mean comments or have them accepted?!

If you were to see how we played our games, I guess you'll end up saying we're lame~

And what's up with the brother thing?! So now he's the man, he's the great one and we're the loser?! I have no comments or say to the relationship you have with him. But please luh. What's with "If I not brother enough, I would have cabbed home in the middle of the night." Like WTF?! HE SLEPT TOO, ALRIGHT?! Not as if there were only you and him spending the rest of the night doing something boring. HE WAS SLEEPING SOUNDLY TOO!
Oh wait, are you telling me you came to the chalet because of him? And you remain in there because of him? So now whatever you're doing, it'll be because of him?

What has this friendship of ours for 3/4 years coming into?! Am I still the one you used to trust?
Or was this trust ruin long ago..
Oh wait- You don't really trust me. So let's not touch on that.

(I think things are going to be changed this new year we're stepping into. He has totally come into this friendship and I have no idea what to do about it. To accept that he's already significant to you even though I still don't like him 100% or just forget about it and let things go. I still don't really like him. And, you're making me dislike him even more.)

I know partially we're at fault for sleeping but we can't be totally blamed because you and your great brother didn't suggest a shit either. People tend to be tired and sleepy when they are bored. And guess what? I WAS PLAIN BORED! If I didn't lay to rest, I think I would have been bored to death~

I sense a change. A change to this relationship. It has never been peaceful. As of this friendship. But I don't see why we have to go through so much.. -.-
I'm not giving up, I just don't wanna be exhausted by these anymore. It's pretty tiring to be going through all these again and again. It's also very annoying.

I know I'm becoming lazy, both mentally and physically. I have no idea why- I tend to lose interest and will to do something. Something I used to be involved in, something I used to love doing.

I hope I can get back the driven self I used to be...

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