Friday, February 20, 2009

Come Home To 5! =x

A really random title.
Was watching "Survivor". And it's really amazing how people will end up taking weird substitutes because they're deprived of it. Like substituting normal/appealing food with... bugs?! termites...?? and really disgusting crawling creatures! *shivers* The thought of it is nauseating enough. But, I guess we're just too... fortunate to be living so comfortable and not experiencing what I just saw on TV. Pure yucky!
It's also amazing how trust can do wonders. Lol. Like causing behaviours, resulting in backstabbing and many other nasty/pretty things done.


Management paper today is pretty manageable. BUT! I spent about... half an hour writing the wrong answers~ -.- So glad I actually realised and had it corrected.
Please, I wanna score!

Aftermath, headed over to my place and played mahjong with Gary, Stephanie and Daohong. It was a really random thing because my mother "invited" Gary and Steph over to taste her Potato Salad (In which none of them did). And claimed that she allowed us to play mahjong for us to destress. LOL!
Was really losing in the first round please~~ Good thing my luck took a turn in the second. In the end, I won $11 bucks! ;) Won $10 from Daohong!!! Wooooooooooooo~ HAHAH.
Ohohoh! On Valentine's day, I WON $37! hahah. Big win, big win. =x
(FYI: I am NOT addicted to mahjong.)

& I totally forgot what I wanted to blog about. -.-
This STM is killing me.

We'll never be alone. Because, we'll always be a family. No matter what.
Quoted from "Ghost Whisperer".

PS: Little Miss Fringe, please grow longer at a much faster rate? Puh-lease~~
PS: Jasmine, please be disciplined enough to get over and done with the last two papers.

Good bye~

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