Wednesday, January 28, 2009


[[updated entry]]
(Was in a semiconscious state last night so, I'm re-doing this entry. hehehe.)

(From my cousin and I. Haha!)

I had a S.P.L.E.N.D.I.D CNY this year. :):):):)
That excludes some tiffs and mood stopper I had...
What about yours?

Was blog hopping &asking around and found out that a lot of people did not exactly enjoy Lunar New Year this year... Hmm~ Why ah? Lol.
Maybe, I tend to enjoy the things that I do (even if they are mundane or boring or stupid). Or maybe, I didn't expect much. Or or maybe, I was in a good and perky mood (Lol). Hmmm~~

ANYHOW, my Lunar New Year has been nice and fun. May it gets better each year. :D :D :D

Reunion dinner has been more than just different this year. Dined out at a pretty good seafood restaurant with my dad-side family. BUT~ The restaurant totally lost it's original standard due to the festive. x.x Was frigging disappointed.
To add on to this disappointment, the noise created by other families there were near unbearable AND AND AND; My dad and I accidentally offended my mother. :(:(:(:( Had a tough time at home aftermath. But, I'M SUPER GLAD MY MOTHER IS SHORT TEMPERED. :D

This could be the worse Reunion Dinner I ever had. Serious.

After which, went home to do some chores before watching the boring CNY countdown by Channel 8 and started to do the usual; praying and stuffs...
Why can't the countdown programs be as good as those in Taiwan? Bahhhhhhhhhhhh~


Was reluctant to wake up until I heard my relatives. Lol~ As usual.
Then, started to hurry and prepare before wishing each other for a better year ahead. ;)

Everyone was having a good time having lunch, watching TV together, playing with my cousin and just sitting around chatting. (;(;(; That's what I called FAMILYQUALITYTIME. Hohoho~
One a side note; Why do we only come along together once a year?! Damn...

Also had a great time taking pictures. Hehhhh~

The four brothers in my Dad's family were pretty cute this year! Lol. They wore very similar Han shirts my Dad bought. :D:D:D:D:D:D
Anyway, really glad no one complained (FIRST TIME~~) when we wanted to take a full family portrait this year. Wooohoo~

My Dad's Side...

Oh oh! I just remembered; I was almost over the moon when my cousin(of the same age) spoke to me before Reunion Dinner~ YAYNESS!
It's been a long long long long while since we last spoke to each other. The last time I can remember was like... maybe 10 years ago?! Reason being, we're not close AT ALL, and he comes only once a year, and we usually have nothing to talk about... Freaking lame, stupid and pathetic reasons. Lol.

My Next Lunar New Year Resolution ; To get closer to my cousins... Hehhhhhhh~~

Aftermath, headed out for our first CNY visit. ;) The journey was longggggggggggggg, as usual. So, my sister and I took some pictures. ^^

One word to describe how I felt when I was there; Sympathetic.
Can't believe how some people can actually treat the way they do - to their parents who struggled to bring them up, guide them and educate them.
Fate. Life. Destiny. -.-

Though it was pretty much boring, I really like doing CNY visits. Lol. I have no idea why either. =x &, it's definitely not because of the Red Packets.
Really shallow for those who ONLY look forward to 'AngBaos' during CNY after the age of 16. (No offence, just a random notion)

After the visit, headed to Tooth Relic Buddha Temple (I think I got the name wrongly) before having early dinner nearby.
Dinner was great. A joke we came up with during dinner was, vegetarians have most of the time deluging themselves. Lol. No offence at all. Was just a joke...

Aftermath, sent Grandma (dad's mum) to Uncle's place before heading back home for...
Played from... 9++ to 3. Woooohoooo~ But, Dad was the overall winner~~ :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

My skills have improved~ (I think.) All thanks to Stephanie. Hohoho. =x

Woke up pretty late and had Mac for breakfast. ^^ Mum was lazy to cook. Wasted our time waiting for my stupid buyer (My photo printer) in which he end up not meeting me. =.= Then, went forward to do some praying before we went over to my Grandmother's (Mum's mum) place to pay visit.

Nice-y nice nice, saw my AhYi there. Hehehe. Watched TV and had a pretty time chatting with my cousins. We even played Scrabble!! Lol. I'm not that bad myself. Hohoho!

Then, took pictures after dinner before we left for home~ :D

New tactic to make my grandmother smile widely:
Asking everyone if something's sweet. (In chinese)
"Xi gua tian bu tian???" Hehehehe.

My mother's side. :D

And as for today, had a few friends over. Played Mahjong while the rest played cards. Didn't lose much this time round (*Phew~). Lost nothing the first round but lost 3 bucks to Stephanie. BOOOO! The one who lost most money this time round was... Gary. Sad dog. Lol. 40+ in total lo please. Lol.

(FYI; I didn't invite anyone over this time round. My close friends will know what to do.)

After everyone left, Stephanie stayed over to ask me a few things in which we end up doing some heart to heart talks that lasted for... an hour and a half. Lol~ First time kkkay? Talked about a lot~ And, I really like times like these. Hehehe.

Alright, gotta get some rest now. :D

May you have a better year up ahead!!

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