Thursday, October 16, 2008


School has started. :)
Nothing much to blog about except the fact that I kindda look forward to school each day. Lol.
Though the time table is pretty good this time round, I still hate the morning lessons. :( The morning crowd &bus schedules just suck. =x

Lecturers and Tutors we have are pretty bad. =x
Wait. That sentence does no justice. Most of the lecturers and tutors we are assigned with are boring, monotonous, boring, pretty bad, boring and... BORING. :D No other words to describe except boring...

For the past three schooling days, I've been feeling extremely exhausted after the long day. :(:(:(:(:(:( I think I slept too much during the long break. Haha.

Had a wonderful buffet brunch + dinner with Weishan (BB!), Jolene and Gary. :D Continued the lovely day with Soohou; shopping from Fareast to Bugis and back to Fareast where we met Cindy and waited for Yaping to get off from work. :D

Weishan. My lovely BB!

Gary engrossed with his soup.

Jolene was really engrossed too! She didn't realise I took pictures of her! :D

She's actually this happy. :D
See how much she ate. =x

Best part of the meal!


Fruits coated with BB~ =x

Pardon for this normal looking picture. :(
I didn't put it properly! Haha.

Oh oh! Forgot to include, we dined in Carousel located in Royal Plaza on Scotts. :D The one I've wanted to go to long time ago! Yes uh~


PS: My mind is in a whirl now.

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