Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Long Family Weekend. :)

Nothing beats a long weekend spent with my family. (:

Had a lazy Saturday and finally made the decision for a change. :D Woooooo! I'm anticipating the result near the end of this year when it's done. ^^
Honestly, the more things are being said, the more I don't see the point to put in effort. *Sigh. Maybe, I just don't wanna be troubled about it. I'm so good at suppressing.

Had a wonderful brunch with my family, including both my grandmothers, my grandfather, uncle and cousin today. :) &I seriously think that he went slightly overboard. I won't feel any good if i was in my cousin's shoe. Tsktsk. If only he understand and stop... well, what's the word... humiliating him infront of us. :/ That's the worst thing to do, frankly speaking.
He's still learning, you can't expect a 12year old to think like a... 25year old matured gentleman, can you?

&&&, Tomorrow will definitely be well spent at home watching tv =x, being a kid under the roof and having a great dinner over at my uncles' place. :) Baby cousin!!! Hehe.

Alrighty, gastric attackkkkkkkkkk!

PS: Whatever. This is my life, I don't need you to tell me what to do with it. Go on with your own and deal with it.

Yeah, I'm slightly moody. But I'll get over it; as usual. :)

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