Saturday, September 06, 2008

Update. :D

Hello! :D
I'm gonna really bore you(as usual =x) with what I've done over the past two days. :D


Finally got to meet Xiaoxuan yesterday at Orchard for facial. It has been a while since we last bickered and chatted with each other. =x Haha. Kindda miss her actually. ;) Hope we'll get to chat more about life when we grow older. ;) I can still remember one of our deals; to go overseas with each other when we work. :) If only we're like our mothers! Haha.
Had tuition (in the morning till noon) and got ready to leave the house with my sister. As usual, she took a really long time to get ready. Zzz

Went shopping with my sister and Xiaoxuan at Plaza Singapura after facial and Aaron(Xiaoxuan's boyfriend) came along not long after. Parted with Xiaoxuan, had waffles Ice-cream at Gelare before meeting up with my mother again.

Had dinner at Mushroom Soup.

We had to take quite a number of shots because my sister ain't happy with her fringe.
It looks alright, right? Lol.

See what I mean?
One of mother's friend is really funny! & she look very like my mother! Haha.

My sister says she look kiddy and i look motherly in this picture. Zzz

I've only uploaded this 3 apart from the 6 similar pictures we took.

After dinner, did a little window shopping while waiting for my father.
Then, my sister and I got bored and started to take pictures again. :D

Our reflection. :D She claims this picture looks cute. Zzz Lol.

She can really get on my nerves sometimes. Or rather, most of the time. =x

Aftermath, sent one of my mother's friend home before watching my dad have his dinner.


I had a BAD START. (Like seriously bad!)
Didn't get to sleep early. Slept around 2am and woke up around... 8am. I had to check the location of our interview. Was suppose to go for an interview regarding some Security related jobs with Soohou, Gary, Darius, Kristoffer, Yanling, Weishan, Nicholas and Jolene at 9.30am.
BUT! My mother called me around 8.43am and told me that we need to undergo a 6-day training. Wasn't really informative but I called the rest to cancel the meeting up. I was feeling really frustrated by then.

Called the company myself and got really pissed. There has to be either a cash-out or waste our two weeks for training for the three days work. Zzz Pissed, because I felt that the person(I know) who had went for the interview previously should have gave us a call at night to inform us about the situation but not wait until the next morning. Zzz
I felt really bad the whole morning.
I didn't expect the situation to be like that. But I guess, I should just check things out myself first. Hate it when things turn out like that. I can't do anything either. This is irritating.

Was moody for quite sometime. Zzz
You know nothing. It's always like that. Fingers pointing!!! Sickening.

Yanling left her house by the time I contacted her, thus she came over my place and waited for me to get really ready. Went to have breakfast and brought her to the nearby salon for a haircut. She's pretty satisfied with her new look(I guess). :D She looks different to me though. :):):):):):)

Got difference? :D

Walked around aimlessly at Hougang Mall before Yanling had her lunch and we met Bingcheng, Jinhui and Lijian. Decided to head towards Plaza Singapura(The fourth time this week! Zzz) instead of Marina Square. Didn't know what to do until Yanling suggested and persuaded me to watch the movie, "Boys Over Flowers".

The hairband she just bought in Hougang Mall.

The movie's the ending of a Japan's serial; "Meteor Garden". Or whatever it is named in Japan; most probably "Boys over Flowers" too.

I don't really have much comments on this movie. It isn't exactly boring, in fact, it made me wanna watch the Japan version of "Meteor Garden". Some scenes left the 9 of us laughing but some other, sleepy. =x The story is pretty draggy though, it's 2 hours (130 minutes) long! Zzz Couples would most probably like it though. Lol.
I can still remember one of the phrases they mentioned;
"Eternal love comes with mutual trust".
If I'm not wrong, it's something like that. Lol.
Rating for it; 2.5/5.

Unless someone really wants me to watch this movie with him/her, I certainly won't go for it. =x I don't think it's worth the 6bucks; &definitely not above that price. Maybe, this kindda movie is just not my type-of-movie. :D
No worries Yanling, I don't think I've wasted my 6bucks because it was still rather entertaining, laughable and sweet! :D

I find Japan shows rather cute though; because they have these really exaggerating expressions at times. Lol. No wonder my sister said the Japan version of "Hana Kimi" was funnier.
It can only be found in Cathay cinemas, by the way. Wasn't enough space for us in The Grand Cathay.
Went over to Cinneleisure to catch the 4.25pm time slot instead.

Met Jiaxuan and Adrian before wandering around Cinneleisure for about... 45 minutes(?!), deciding on where to dine. Zzz Was feeling a tad frustrated because some of us were really hungry and the guys were damn picky!!!! As always. Zzz Indecisive guys are definitely unattractive. =x End up having dinner at "BBQ Chicken". Nice place and nice food. :D
Have to thank Dickson's friend for giving us a 20% discount. :D

Her usual, salad. Zzz Lol.

There were 11 of us during Dinner.

Dickson's really lame la. Zzz Lol. He claim the distance from The Grand Cathay to Cinneleisure was very very near. Zzz It was far more than that, we end up walking for about 20minutes perspiring under the scorching hot sun! But anyway, we had a nice time chatting and walking with each other. ^^


It's so usual to have half the table really noisy and the other half really quiet. Hmm...


Dickson, Jiaxuan.

Jiaxuan, Bingcheng.

Jiaxuan, Yanling.

Lijian, Yanling, Jiaxuan and Weibin. :D

Wasn't in the mood to take pictures;
explains the number of pictures without me. :D

:D Adrian's really tanned and tall now! HAHA.

All thanks to her, I wasn't moody for the whole day! HAHA.
Though I know you're really really silly and blurr, must start using your brain k? Lol. =x


I don't know why but Edmond's smile differs with the different people he take picture with. =x


Can you see with whom he smiles the nicest? =x
(Definitely not with me and Jiaxuan. Lol.)

Edmond and his usual I-don't-wanna-take-picture-la.
Look pretty nice though; he's like some stubborn kid when comes to taking pitcures. :c

JIAXUAN's head got cut off in collage!! Sorry...
Yanling: "I look like a kid. So kiddy."
Zhixiong: "I look like some retard.."
They said that when they saw the picture. LOL. But I don't think they look like any of the descriptions.

Lijian, Yanling, Jiaxuan, DicksonLee, Edmond, Jinhui, Weibin, Zhixiong, Adrian, Bingcheng and I.

Not ready. :D

Candid! HAHA. Look at Edmond, Zhixiong and Adrain's facial expressions. LOL!

Edmond, Jiaxuan, Bingcheng, Lijian, Zhixiong and Jinhui came over my place, to watch TV and play mahjong till 12.30Am?! LOL. It's been a while since we spend the night doing these lame stuffs. =x

It's 3.25am now. Zzz Have to settle some things but I'm really tired. :(
Aww~ I'm giving away my desktop! Sad.

Oh oh! It's 3.28am now and Tyra's Show is on!! Damn. Miss this show. Lol.


Gastric acting up since after dinner. Kill me. Zzz
Painnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Zzz
This is definitely not a good end to the day either. :(
What a averagely bad day.


Good Night!

PS: This is driving me insane!!! Tell me what I'm thinking & what I should be thinking...
If only you really cared.

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