Friday, September 26, 2008

Scariest Bday Celebration.

Finally settled down after a long, tiring yet enjoyable and a tad horrifying birthday celebration for Serene Tan! :D

Pictures and details will be given together. :D Oh oh! Pardon for the poor resolution (pictures), I've re-sized the pictures for faster uploading. =x

Meeting time at Gary's place was suppose to be at 11am. But, Soohou's the only one who's punctual. Lol. Headed over to Gary's, half and hour after meeting time, with Weishan and Yaping.

Because Serene's afraid of spooky stuffs, we made plans to scare her (2 days before). Lol. It's like those night walks during camps and stuff. Only -- this time it's held in an open area. It's a birthday dare for her luh. :D
Initially, we thought our plan was going to a waste because Serene had to leave around 7.30pm.

Anyhow, we continued with the preparation. Thank god we continued preparing; Because Serene had another changed of plan and the time she had to leave was 10pm instead. ^^

Because I'm half dead now, I did a list of what happened in case i really forgot. Lol.

Before I start!
See what they FORCE ME TO DO!!! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
They say I look like her...
We don't look alike la! HAHAHA!
Maybe only the hair? :D

(Was actually showing the rest how wonders can be done to a picture using photoshop!!!)

Settled in Gary's room, watching MTV after keeping the bbq food. It was a budget BBQ session! :D Hurried Weishan to take out the doll they bought the day before and started to disfigure it. =x

The before...
Cute and pretty?
Not for long......

Soohou kept complaining about the doll's horrendous hair.
Thus, they decided to give it a good wash. Maybe it was done so that they won't feel guilty for disfiguring it. Lol! Nah...

Washing and blow drying it. ;)
One of them even wanted to apply some conditioner. Lol.

Weishan and Gary started to doodle on the doll. Giving it thick brows(Just like Gary's =x), scars, dirty clothes, teeth?! and a better mouth. LOL!

The after!
I know, the doll still looks a little too friendly. Lol. It's just a uglier friendly doll. :( But it'll do; to freak Serene out. Lol.

The process & the culprits! =x

Gary thickening the brows!
Best for the job. =x

Guess what Gary's doing?
If you're that free, click on the picture and see. =x

He's actually trying to pull down the doll's undies. LOL!
Look at my reaction. HAHA. PERVERTIC!! ;)

Waited for Jolene while we took turns to write on the card Yaping(&Weishan?? &Jolene??) did. Slacked, discuss about the plan and crapped.

Jolene's arrival = LUNCH TIME!
(By then, it was 2pm already!!!)

Random shots during lunch. :D

Walked to AMK Hub and decided to dine in Pizza Hut. Zzz So, we walked to Pizza Hut under the scorching hot Hot HOT sun!

Meanwhile, before we reached AMK Hub, Soohou did something silly and made Yaping do something bimbotic. Soohou shot, like as if he had a gun, and Yaping actually dodged. HAHA! She did it more than once okay! Really funny!


Gary & Yaping.

Me: "Soohou, go closer. You and Jolene has a big gap in between."
Soohou: "Okok." *Hit his head hard against Jolene's.
Jolene: "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh~"

From left; Soohou, Jolene and Weishan(Always unaffected).

We should have dined at Subway can?! Lol. The meal we had in Pizza Hut($10++) cost more than what we could have paid in Subway($6++). :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( So much for eating something cheap. Stupid taxes. :(:(:(:(
Jolene should have paid for the taxes. LOL. She made us have late lunch. x=

Anyway, we headed back to AMK Hub's NTUC to buy more food after lunch. Eggs, honey, brush(not exactly food), prawns...
On our way, Soohou & Yaping repeated their silly and bimbotic acts. LOL!
But the funniest thing Yaping did was positioning like as if she's a KING KONG and well, sort of shook her whole body (when Soohou did the machine gun thingy). She said she was vibrating. LOL!

Damn funny!

The bus stop scene.
Weishan: "Aye~ What bus are you taking?"
Then, Gary stood there and act as if he was in a bus as a passenger. LOL!

Oh oh! Before we started shopping in NTUC, Serene called; No choice, Gary lied and told her he had tuition. LOL!

Me: "Eh. You look like some aunty leh."
Gary: "Ya, my mother holds the basket just like this!"

So after buying all the necessaries (& the cake!), walked back to Gary's and started to prepared everything. Lance and Samuel came up not long after.

Talked a little on the way back. I admit I was wrong somehow. But you can't totally blame me for some wrong interpretation. Isn't it? & we both(&Gary) agree, it's tough.

The process of the little introduction film. :D

Our preparation for the scary dare Serene had to do;
After disfiguring the doll(Well, sort of.).
We had Lance to help out with the cutting of the dolls' head and dragging the doll's detached body while we played some tune and Jolene said some things. It was all being filmed. Lol.

& as for me in the last picture, I was combining the clips. :D It was all last minute k? Lol.

If you're interested, you can play the clip. :D
Yaping spoke a little when I started to film. Lol.
By the way, in case you didn't understand the voice;
"Sister, could you help me find my body? This is my favourite tune. Please remember it."
It was in Chinese because it sounded creepier. ;)

It's not really a fantastic introduction clip luh. But you can't expect much from a last minute thing. :D It was good enough. :)

So, after all the combination of clips and stuff, everyone went to start off their own task to prepare the BBQ and food. :D

Chef Wong in the first picture. Jolene helped out.
& the rest of us helping out with the BBQ!

Weishan look like a kid here! LOL.
: "Always be prepared for any paparazzi!!"
LOL! But true enough, she hardly has any unglam pictures. LOL!
I miss those times laughing at both Gary and Weishan while they try to take ugly snapshots of each other. Haha.

Okay, sorry. No flashbacks. :D

Chef Wong and his beehoon.
He was really proud with it. Lol.
It was nice la, Soohou! :D Next up, Spaghetti k? ;)

While the preparation was done, a few of us left the BBQ pit area and went to plan the route of the dare.

Route planners. :D
Gary brought us to the few spooky spots in the area. ;)

Serene haven't arrived though. We told Gary to call her only after we were settled with the introductory clip.

Preparing the directory& dares!!

If only we could make it look scary. Lol.

Some random shots area the BBQ pit area.
Serene, arrived! :D

Weishan and I had a close encounter! Lol. Serene almost saw us with the stack of paper when we headed back to Gary's place. They were at the other side; good thing only Gary and I saw each other. Lol.

BBQ time!

Aww~ 09Feb2007. The first time NPCONCC came together and prepared our very first BBQ~!
Quoted from a post I had back then;
"kindda weird at first but i really love the way we all work together to prepare the food, cook the food and clear up the whole place."
Well, I still love the way we all work together to prepare, cook and clear up the whole place. :D

Oops! I think I did it again. Flashbacks. Lol. Gary's so gonna complain. x=

Serene, Weishan and Gary's brother!

Creepy? Lol. Serene scare herself and made us laugh; because there were more to come. ;)

Jolene, Yaping and Lance.

See what the girls went to do? They went to take PICTURES!!! Lol.
The above has no repeated pictures k? Lol.

While the girls take pictures, I was back at the pit fastening my pace to clear the food. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Weishan: "Put more prawns. Then when I take a picture of it, people won't say we're really budget."

I bet she doesn't want me to expose this. =x =x =x =x =x =x =x HAHAHA!

The nicest picture of Gary tonight! =x

After BBQ, Weishan and I did a little clean up and headed back to Gary's place. I washed my really oily hair.
The rest came up not long after...

slack slack slack.
Actually, we were waiting for Lance and Samuel who went down to bathe. :(:(:(:(:(

Wasted a little time la. Lol.

When Serene took over the guitar from Gary, she accidentally hit Yaping's head.
Yaping: "Ouchhhhh! GPA 1.4, GPA 1.3, GPA 1.1, GPA 1."
While rubbing her head. LOL! Such a bimbo!

Bigheaded himbo.
Me: "Can your head fit in?"
Gary: "Of course! Why not?"

Funny bimbo.

After the two guys were back we hurried to take a few group photos. :D

The usual, ten continual shots!

& again. :D

I like the pictures below, that's why they are not being collage-d. :D

& MORE! :D

We'll never get sick of it. HAHA!

After which, we broke the news about the dare to Serene. Of course, we didn't tell her a single thing. We told her to choose someone to accompany her and sort of pyscho-ed her to choose Jolene. =x The rest of us, went down.

Lance and Weiwei (Gary's bro) look a little like father and son. LOL!
Lance and the doll's head;
The girls preparing and Sam just staring. LOL.

Half way through the preparation, Weishan received a call and we started to run from point to point. Serene's mother was on her way to fetch her because she had to reach home by 10pm. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
We were really really really really panicking. Though we haven't finish the set up, we told Jolene to start the dare with the introductory clip.

Then, Yaping Weishan and I rushed from point to point to finish everything up as soon as possible. Lol. It was near crazy!

Imagine running with a full stomach, a preoccupied mind, hand filled, and panicking while calling people and stopping a few times to paste things, put things, light candles, lie the doll's head and stuff. LOL!

That was a lot to be done within a few minutes!!!

What more, we were suppose to be in point 4 and had to rush back from point 6; which was really really really far! Lol. We were even delayed by the security guard because he questioned us. Zzz Good thing he closed one eye. ^^

The first three scenes that needed a picture to be taken.
I think Jolene forgot to ask Serene to take a picture with Soohou in the first spot where he scared her. Lol.

Last station. LOL!
Serene retreated because Soohou threw marbles and freak her out. Lol. She had to go down alone that's why. ;)


After she pass our point, we rushed back to Gary's place and took out the cake.
The initial end point was suppose to be in Gary's room where we'll surprise her with the cake and the doll's body. But because her mother was already waiting, we had no choice but to bring the cake down. :(:(:(:(:(:(

Coming back from the last point. ;)
Look at how she held the shoe! HAHA.

The red shoe was a gift to her. ;) HAHA! She was totally whining about it. lol.

The only thing that isn't budget is the cake! It's really pretty and huge luh!! Lol.
Nah.. It's not really expensive either. =x
Sang her the birthday song, made a birthday wish and had her blow the flame off the candle.

Silly, I was thinking about something when the rest of them were yelling at me to take pictures. LOL!

Present presentation! :D
First - Third picture;
Card was given, Serene was whining about the front picture and laughed at the collage the next page. ;)

Yaping and the toilet paper roses she made!

Cut cake!!!! :D

Happy girl! ;)

Took a few more pictures of everyone present without Gary's brother before Serene left for home. :D
My face look really red. Zzz All of us were sweating like hell. Lol.

Sent Serene off and headed back to the last scene to take back the doll's head. Lol.


The crew. ;)

Went back to Gary's place, transferred all the pictures, rested a while, summed up the day and went home!! Cabbed home with Yaping and Samuel. :D

Individual pictures of the crew who made the scary dare possible. ;)

Gary, Soohou, Lance & Sam.

Weishan, Jolene and Yaping.


Five more pictures before we head back home! :D


Follow Weiwei!!! ;)

Serene, hope you enjoyed tonight. :D

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