Sunday, August 10, 2008



Yesterday was Singapore's 43rd birthday. :D

Anyway, headed out to celebrate Nicholas's birthday with the usual group of guys today. Hope he had fun. :D
Surprise didn't really turn out right. Dang! Second time already! :( Shall not go on about it.

Well, met Kristoffer and Nicholas at Yio Chu Kang MRT Station around 1.30pm?! LOL! Our actual meeting time was 1pm at YCK Station. But, the three of us were the earliest (though I was still late)! LOL. Gary came not long after; headed to Wheelock's place to look for Nicholas's birthday present. Crumpler's laptop case. Sad enough, silly Nicholas doesn't know the exact measurements; thus we dropped the idea and headed over to Shaw's house. Couldn't decide what to do so, we went to look for Eugene at Tangs. Aftermath, met Darius at Dhoby Ghaut. Then, we took the train and went to Vivo City.

First Stop: KFC! Zzz The guys have to eat their lunch. By then, it was like... 4pm?! LOL. Walked around Vivo then settled at the open area at the top level. Took a few pictures, continued the evening with a little window shopping before heading for dinner at Marche. I think dinner was not that bad. =x Though some of the guys kept complaining about how the restaurant burns people's pocket. ;) After dinner, cam-loved for a while before doing last few minutes of window shopping and left for home! :D

A very summarised detail of what we did.
Know what you're waiting for... PICTURES!
(Too tired to rant already. =x)

Emo... ;)

Crazy stuff Eugene did. & Nicholas's sexy pose in the first picture. =x

Crazy pictures of me.

First 10 continual shots.

See how Darius totally blocked me?! LOL.

Random shots.

They still insist that pictures without me are best. Zzz

Sad to hear that k! LOL.

The next 10 shots..












You are about to view a picture that was made obscene unintentionally. ;)












LOL! Look at Gary's head. =x
& No worries, Darius wasn't hurt. LOL!

The next 10 shots with me slowly being blocked. Zzz

This is nice. ;) Krist look really cute. ;)

Zzz I'm like a freaking head and a half shorter than him!

Still insisting on the better-without-Jasmine notion. :(

While waiting for our turn to get seats in Marche

My pretty handsome gay friends!
It was really crowded!

Had our dinner; wanted to surprise Nicholas with the cake- I bought when they were shopping for bags. Got Gary to bring him around but just like last year, we were a tad too slow! Zzz

He's still happy though. ;)

The Birthday Cake!... Brownie!


Cute picture of the old man. Getting old again. LOL!
Ten years older now. ;)

At Marche! ;)

Aftermath, Nicholas had some silly dares.

Take picture with the cow outside and to be given balloons that are burst around on him. LOL. Rather, on him. =x

Reminds me of Cindy's Birthday Celebration last year.

Miiking the cow. ;)

Classic! LOL.
Nicholas says it hurt. But I guess, the balloon was thick skinned! LOL.
Krist look real happy and satisfied with what he has done with Eugene.

Just like them. :D

Almost squashed!



Snatching the limelight.

My favourite picture! :D

Inside VIVO...

See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil and one last one. ;)

At Best Denki.
Our usual hang out place. =x LOL!


I shall end this entry here.!

I'm sick. Really sick. :(
(3.02AM now. Zzz Freaking tired&sick!)


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