Sunday, July 13, 2008


The sky's really pretty today! ,:)
Today = 12/07/2008

Oh oh! Before I forget!


Mother invited some of my friends for a mini treat - STEAMBOAT! :D
Was suppose to be held like... three weeks ago?! LOL. But had to postpone it because... I wanted to study on the first Saturday and second because of Darius housewarming. Anyhow, today's great!

Weishan, Darius, Gary, Kristoffer, Soohou and Nicholas came.
Well, had a long (about 1 and a half hour) nice chat with Weishan because she was the earliest! :) Soohou came over from Hougang Mall's mac soon after the hour chat. Continued chatting and waiting for the guys.

The rest of the guys were "SUPER EARLY"! We were suppose to have lunch at around ONE but they came at THREE instead! Tsk~ Made us three wait for so long. So, started lunch.

Lunch was pretty much fun. Had a hard time eating because I was spending most of the time laughing! HAHA. Can't control that when I'm with them; especially when there's Soohou. Zzz But I sure miss those Secondary School days being teased by him.
Laughed at me (most of the time) and some other jokes; during the lunch.

After lunch, tidied up my living room and cleared all rubbish! :) Life without a maid.
Stoning in my living room infront of the TV for almost an hour took place after lunch. LOL! Couldn't decide what to do; no one wanted to leave the house to rent some VCDs/DVDs. ;)

Then, Weishan and I decided to head out to get them.
On the way to Hougang Mall, we spotted large fluffy-looking clouds! It was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L! Couldn't resist and took a few shots of it.

Wanted to do a collage. But, too pretty!

The sky look really fake right?
Like I've taken the picture and pasted behind a backdrop? :)

Clouds were really big!
Looks really really fluffy!
Reminded me about one Lecturer. LOL!
He and his dream; eating a huge mash mellow, waking up having a lost pillow! HAHA. He was trying to attract people's, in the lecture hall, attention. No one was actually listening to him initially. Told that joke to Weishan and she said he was lame. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Hougang Mall! ;)
Wonder why, but out of the sudden, I became very high. Zzz
I meant, just now.

Weishan also commented saying the sky looks really low today. Hmmm. :/

A random shot.
Was thinking a little when walking and viewing the nice sky.

If only we can always stroll and enjoy the beautiful sceneries around us.
Life's sometimes a tad too hectic that we miss out many pretty things and neglect people around us. If only life can just slow down, and if only a day has 48hours instead of 24. :)
If only life is not the way it is.

Still ain't sick about the pretty sky!
Oh oh! I took a picture of Weishan and the sky! :D From my phone, she was BLACK. Couldn't see her. But I realise, she could actually be seen! After I upload to my laptop.
Wanna see it? Later! ;)

So, Weishan and I reached Hougang Mall and started to search for the disc. Gary came over not long after. Deciding what to rent was a tough decision. At the end of the day, the movies were pretty lame and sort of a waste of time.
Anyway, it was nice watching those movies with them. Though movie was darn lame! It was then I realise, no matter what movie we watch with the guys, we'll end up laughing alot. Even for horror movies! Zzz. Soohou's really noisy. =x HAHA.

After getting the things; just headed out.
Realise I prefer this picture to the others!

Erm.. The man there is not suppose to be in this picture... He looks a little saddist. =x
Clouds look pretty in here too! :)

See the little golden coloured area there? Prettyyyyyyyy.

Was really noisy on the way back. Making noises and scaring Weishan. LOL!
She kept asking why I became so high. ;)

Gary ! :D
After taking this picture, I showed him and said:
"You're not walking alone..."
Didn't imply anything else other than - him having friends like us in his life to walk with him through all thick and thin. But, I think he thought about what Terrence told him. Lol. Hmmm...

Pardon for the bad quality images!
Used my phone.

:D Like the sky in this picture too!

Walked pass some far neighbours of mine. & I thought about my voice; how would it sound like when I grow old. Will they change?

Watched "The unseenable" (So called horror from Thailand) and "Third Eye" (Some lame gore movie from Hongkong). Eugene came over from work after the movies.
Aftermath, watched a little TV before Weishan left and the guys search on some Nike 10km run. Continued a little TV.

I almost lose my Australian Panda! Zzz

Shall not talk about it. ;)

Everyone left at around... 11.20++PM?
It's been a while since people stay till late night in my place.
Well, had to do some tiding after they left;
Changed my room's bed- bedsheet.

Had a little chat with Mama and she said something that made me happy! Woooooooooooooooo~ ;)
Sums up my Saturday!

Timecheck: 02.47AM~
Woah~ Didn't blog for 2 hours luh. =x Was chatting with Lixin; webcammed. And, had a few many other distractions. x=

SEE! Lol.
Wonder why she covered her face...

Had a nice long chat with this no-longer-as-tanned Weishan. Well, it's a pity things/people turn out the way they are. And, it's good to let them know uh! :D

Made me realise that negligence's is something pretty irk-y. It's either you neglect people on purpose or not. But still, neglecting someone who care is stupid (If you do it on purpose.). Also saw that; you should really mean what you say. contradictions do no good at all.

Weishan asked me to take a picture of the sun. The picture is below. Looks pretty not-that-nice because I couldn't see what was I taking. LOL! Too bright~

When a day has been too rough/tough/unlucky;
It'll all end as the sun set-
When you wake up the next day, it is yet another new start.



Timecheck: 02.55AM~
HAHA! Late uh.

Nights people!
(Off to complete some programming! ;))

You're making people loathe the companion of you. I hope you see that we're not giving our best. We won't do no talking because we doubt you can take it. You might end up hating and avoiding us. & Yes, you are who you are; It's just that... you ought to change for the better. You, now, won't do good in future. If you really wanna see yourself suffer, do more of what you're doing. & at the end of the day, please don't go on regretting and complaining about a bad decision.
& one more thing, stop abusing the good tempered.
Just dislike people with attitude like yours. Sorry.

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