Sunday, June 22, 2008

Holidays are coming to an end. :(

Started off real bad today. :(
Didn't exactly picture myself to be awake at this hour; don't talk about blogging.
BUT! Er... Forget it, I can't remember why I came online.
Big mistake to be online!

Before I go on,
Weishan(: sent 22/6/2008 1:56 AM:
QI QI, I gg off to slp alr, got to wake up early to do assignment tmr. view your blog tmr, goodnight! (:
Last but not least,
@#$^%& HAHAHAHA.
(p/s: take goodcare of my precious! LMAO!)

For your information, "@#$^%&" is actually a very disgusting icon.
It's a Cockroach! Zzz It's her precious too. Ewww~
&&&&&& She kept showing that icon throughout our conversation. Zzz

So much for something cute.

Anyway, it's funny that my whole family is still awake at this time.
Time check: 2.22AM
Hmm.. Random.

I assure you, this is going to be a pretty random post with a few irrelevant details.
*Pardon me. :D

I shouldn't have switched on my laptop! :(:(:(:( Read Cindy's and Gary's blog entries and they did a great job reminding me about our going-to-end Term Break. :(:(:(:(:(

I have to admit that I've enjoyed every single second of this two weeks term break! And it seems that I've done near nothing related to my projects AT ALL. Pathetic. :(
Forget about these school stuffs.

It's a real sad thing that school's starting soon, again. I'm so gonna look forward to the next break! LOL.
But anyhow, I'm going to start afresh and go school with a new concept/opinion.

Shall no longer judge anything. Slap me if I still do. It's tiring.
Gonna think thrice before I say or do anything.
I wanna start afresh. :D

Humdrum Content
It's been about 3 days since I last updated. Let's see what I've done...
Practically stayed at home on Wednesday morning and Thursday.

Went to play badminton on Wednesday. It was pretty last minute; can't remember who suggested it Darius?.
There was Agnes, Weixin, Weishan, Jolene (My sister), Darius, Gary, Kristoffer, Joey, Nicholas, Ivy and... Aaron. Sorry if I've missed out anyone.

First few hours were BORING! But, the rest of them started having fun laughing at me later. LOL! Started with Agnes and the Jasmine-look-like-the-panda-in-KungfuPanda-
with-those-funny-stunts-especially-when-she-miss-the-shuttlecock-given. Zzz
Then, we started to have a few matches;
Agnes & Jasmine Vesus Weishan & Gary.

Then, the three other guys, Darius Nicholas and Kristoffer decided to bully Agnes & Me; joining Gary & Weishan because someone else booked their court.
We booked both courts in the place
Not long after, Agnes joined them and I'm all alone. Until Aaron came; Ivy and him both joined me.
They had a good time laughing at me until I got a little irritated. =x Serious. LOL. Good thing I'm not petty; or I'll just leave the place. ;)

Then, we started to have serious matched such as Girls VS Boys and NYP VS TP/IJC/SSS. HAHA.
Girls: Weishan, Jasmine, Agnes(Star player!), Ivy and Jolene.
Boys: Darius, Gary, Nicholas, Aaron and Kristoffer.
NYP: Gary, Jasmine, Darius, Agnes and Kristoffer.
TP: Weishan, Ivy and Nicholas.
IJC: Aaron.
SSS: Jolene.

Ahhh~ Girls & NYP both won! ;)

(One third of this entry! Ending, ending! LOL.)

So, after badminton; headed to Hougang Mall for dinner. Bumped into Cindy and Serene; had a nice long chat.
Not exactly long. But long enough to make our legs sore. ;)
After dinner, chilled a little while and headed back home.
Pretty dry content? :D Sorry, pictures taken are with Weixin.

Okay! Nothing to update on Thursday;
Though was asked to join the guys to watch "Get Smart", decided to allow my parents to treat me to movie on Saturday (today) instead. x=

Had a nice dinner with Mdm Ong, Darius, Gary, Nicholas, Jiaxuan, Eugene and Kristoffer! :D Wanted to continue our chats after dinner in some cafe but Mdm Ong left few minutes after we billed our dinner. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
We were sort of chased out of the restaurant because there was a long line queuing for seats.
Because it was still early, the rest of us decided to head to some playground to chill.

Jiaxuan and I!
Have been feeling pretty lazy to dress up lately. =x I want more tee-shirt & best, more polo-tees. =x
But mother says I'm wasting my money because I seldom dress up and is always wearing the same clothes?! :(:(:( Still love Polo-tees.

Darius, Kristoffer and Eugene!

Walking to the playground.

Wasn't a long walk but it was sure F-U-N-N-Y!
Seriously~ LOL.
With Kristoffer, Darius and Nicholas re-enacting some... funny things. LOL.
shall not elaborate. ;)

Don't know what's up with this picture.

Haven't been to any playground since I was very very very very very very very young! HAHA.
Miss those carefree days where we didn't have to think much about life;
& we could play with almost everyone!

Reminiscing the times they've played in the playground during Secondary2? LOL.

& an evidence to one comment Mdm Ong made that night:
"Tsktsk, so long already still bullying you!"
You bet they still are! LOL.
See what they did to me.

Can't see me?! LOL.
Kristoffer said this picture is nice! :(

Too bad Jiaxuan didn't take pictures of what they did to me during the whole time in the playground. :(
Took my shoes, stuffed with those rocks/or whatever you call them, tickled my feet Zzz and making me fall. Zzz
Big Bullies! Lol.

(Half way through this long entry!)

After playing in the playground for almost an hour or so?

Decided to take a few groups photos before leaving.
Jiaxuan and Eugene left for home while the rest of us walked to my house from Compass Point.
Long walk! But, it was nice and quiet. :D
Really good to chill during that time of the day. Or night?! ;)

Before reaching the playground, Weishan called Gary and asked if we would like to meet them to chill. In the end, the final destination was set to be in my house! :)

Because it was a pretty long walk from Compass Point to my house, I guess the three of them got real bored. ;)

Waiting and waiting. LOL.
Good thing my corridor has lights on at night, or we'll not be able to see Weishan. =x

It's funny how Gary can have so many shots of him within two hours! LOL.
We really should do a blog all about Gary's silly acts and pictures!

Their... dinner?

Very fair panda and the Very dark shan shan a.k.a my blackie!!
*erhum. Not obvious in this picture.


Congratulations to Soohou!
He graduated from CI course! ;)

In Weishan's blog, she said she had to follow Soohou's every move on that day?!

As for today! Saturday!
Started off bad because I was woken up by some guy who called me early in the morning, couldn't hear my "Hello"s and hung up. Zzz Bet he dialed wrong number. Zzz
Gave me the very wrong feeling that it might be my Eyecandy. Zzz
erhum. Number was VERY VERY similar.

Anyway, I was feeling pretty lazy and pissed for no apparent reason. Parents left for breakfast and I stayed at home playing my DS. ;) Had breakfast, dressed up and left for Orchard.

For the first time, I changed my top FIVE times today! Zzz & twice for my bottoms.
That was so not me!
Then, I concluded that I wasn't in the right mood. & realise that; If I'm not in a good mood, I won't feel nice in anything I'm in. So, went to town with my usual; Polo and Jeans, leaving my bag at home again. Zzz

Good thing my mood brighten up a bit after meeting my dad he went for some appointment and having a long chat about girls! LOL. As in.. females. ;)

"Get Smart" made me feel even better! LOL.
It is an absolutely laughable movie! Great to brighten up gloomy days and even better than "Kungfu Panda"!
Okay, shouldn't compare because I don't really fancy animated movies and might be biased.
Forget i said typed that.

Dad said it used to be some series when he was... TEN?! And it was titled "Smart". Character is very similar. :D
Bad that I've sat between my sister and another lady. My sister merely smirked over some scenes and she even said I was slow. Zzz
Was thinking about something right?! LOL.

I could hear my father laughing although he was like.. 3 seats away from me! LOL.
Parents going to sponsor me to watch "Meet the Zohan". Weirdddd. LOL. They've watched it and think I should watch it with the guys. LOL.

After movie, shopped around Plaza Singapura. Went to Parkway Parade, shopped and spent the last few minutes in Giant. Zzz Was feeling really hyped up by then, taking everything I think is interesting. LOL.
Then, had dinner. Which was like.. 10plus?!

(I'm ending this entry soon, hang on. LOL!)

Some random pictures my sister took;
It was suppose to be herself but she end up snapping me and my mother instead. Zzz

When I realise she was taking pictures of me. Zzz
Did a very stupid face and blurred it because...
Don't wanna scare you people. ;)

Damn tired.


It's 3.31AM now~ Zzz


Oh oh! Did I mention that Weishan is very gross?!
Yeah, I did.


Suffering from Holidays-coming-to-and-end blues...


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