Thursday, May 22, 2008

Boring Lecture! :)

I'm currently using Stephanie's new Vaio to blog in lecture! :)
*Yawnnn* Essential Of Infocomm Techonology. Damn boring!

Was absent for yesterday. I was sick alright! But our famous yaogui Stephanie said something like this in her blog:
"Jasmine's absent for school today. Thank goddddddddddddd. c;"

*go emo*

I'm really disappointed to hear that comment of yours from her. That was ridiculous. Really. It's relatively a turn off; what you do to live up to your clique. Whatever~

Sometimes, you really should be sensitive and just shut your mouth. Not everyone is always interested in your life. Seriously. Especially, when one (even your very goof friend) is feel moodless. Come on, be sensitive.

PS: You should shut up. Really.

HAHAH! Fredrick is sleeping on my right! & Stephanie just took a picture of the sleeping him! =x
(upload it soon!)
Stephanie's mean la! Very mean. =x HAHA!
(I suggested the taking of picture though.=x)
She's currenlty seated to my left now, playing with Fredrick's PSP.

Boring to be inbetween them. Zzz One playing, one sleeping. :(

PS: Hope Stephanie don't kill me after reading the above! =x HAHA.
OKAY! I'm being realy random now!

Had out 3-minute speech today. I think I did above average but I could have done better! :( Screw my introduction! Zzz I shouldn't have added so much un-planned details. Totally unnecessary. :(
Random random.

*My throat is killing me. Zzz
Ear & Head hurts too!*

Just remembered:
I'm having a quiz tomorrow!



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