Monday, April 07, 2008


I'm blogging with my new lappy & I'm happy!

Most credits to Gary and Darius because they drop by NYP a few times for stock checking. Today's their forth time! (: & Gary wanted to fool me. =.=

Alright, this post is a little redundant because there's actually nothing much for me to update you readers about what's happening to me lately. Anyway, tomorrow's my Orientation and Jasmine's oh-so-not-excited about it! AT ALL~

I'll miss my holidays. I'll miss the times with my friends. I'll miss shopping. I'll miss the times idling at home. I'll miss the times waking up late. I'll miss the times watching "Tyra Show" at 6pm. I'll miss the time staying up really late for nothing. I'll miss the times slacking all day long. ):

Ohh well. I'll have to face the fact and live a new life all over again~ Really hope I can be in the same class as Gary, Darius(although I'm really reluctant to include him) & Yufang! (: Heh...

I really like the new show Channel 5 is showing every Sunday at 10.30pm.
Love You, To DEATH! =D


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