Sunday, March 09, 2008

Today. (X

Great day, great day. xD

First up, spent my morning watching two episodes of "My Girl". Geez. Don't understand why we, girls, like to watch drama. Zzz LOL! Then, started to prepare to go out. Before going to Lance's place for dinner and a little gathering with NPCONCC, mum suggested to have her phone line upgraded and get a phone for me.
I was overjoyed at first luh~ But, I should bear in mind- never get too happy until I get what I should really be happy for but not what I think I would get.

After queuing for a long time, my mother suddenly had this random suggestion :
"Might as well we get you a better camera."
-.- Thus, we gave up our queue and headed to BEST.

Bought the same camera model as Soohou's ; Cannon IXUS 75.

Then, cabbed down to Lance's place with Yanling, Ivy and Samuel. Eeeeeeeeee~ The cab driver was.... never mind. LOL.

Well, really have to thank Lance for the great dinner! (:

I think the whole of NPCONCC was there except for...


& Cindy!

Aww~ A week since I last saw them. hahah!

When the four of us were there- Gary, Lance, Weishan and Jolene were already playing Monopoly while Soohou was just watching the TV ? Slacked and watched Jay Chou's Concert while they were playing. After that, we watch "I not stupid". We never get bored watching that eh. LOL! Then, we were hurried to have our dinner except Lance and Samuel because table was a little small for all of us. xD

We all agreed that the steamboat was really really nice. & the soup was really really sweet. x3 While we were clearing our food, we found out someone, GARY, ate a 3/4 raw fish ball. LOL! Like, so dumb la. Zzz

After dinner, slacked some more. xD Serene came had her dinner, then they started doing some online shopping while some of us gossiped and the guys played poker. Aftermath, cabbed home with Yanling. I think I'm addicted to cabbing already. xD

I don't know why but I suddenly felt like doing some recap of the times we had in school. xD Then, I went to browse all the pictures we have had. ^^

I miss Racial Harmony Day 2007!!
My first time and last time. hehe.

Okay, there suppose to only be 13 of us, not 14. xD
We just happened to have one more person in the picture that day.

Owww~ My table's in a big mess! Have to do packing soon. ):

Ohh ohh! Reminded me of something. Sad la. Nicholas got Chicken Pox! ): Today's the second day- which means he can't make it to Genting!!! Aww~ My mother's little boyfriend can't make it, so sad. )=

19 more days to our vacation!!! ^^

Alright, I don't know what to blog le. LOL~

I wanna watch "The Leap Years" !

Gotta hurry up and complete my project.
Buh bye!

Hello, listen up will you? PAY ATTENTION LUH~
I feel so irritated having to repeat what I have to say to all of you.

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