Saturday, March 22, 2008

Pinky's Bday!

Alright! I'm really NAGGY!
Third post for the day! xD
Will stop myself from getting so blog-addicted these days! Tolerate me, people. xD Anyway, I'll keep this post SHORT! LOL! Quite difficult for me though. HAHA.

Alright, was suppose to head to town to collect my sister's phone but she overslept. So, we end up slacking at home while my sister wait for her tuition to start; playing our DS and I rushing our project. Because of my laziness, got Yanling to buy the birthday cake! Thanks~
Well, I've planned to do a mini birthday celebration for our favourite tutor, WEIPINK! (: She's loved~ Around 2plus, Gary arrived as the first who thought he might be late. LOL! Aftermath, Minghong and Yanling arrived and we all waited for Xiaoxuan. Zzz She's slow~

After she came over, we slacked for a little while in my room before getting the cake and things ready. Camwhored a little before knocking the door to our study room. PINKY's SHOCKED! I'm so happy! ^^

(= She's the star today! && This pretty lady here is 21~
4 more years till my turn. xD

After the surprise, we decide to wait for them to end their tuition before cutting the cake and stuffs. So, the seniors of the English tuition Class ate our lunch while waiting.

There she go again. LOL!

Tuition ended, cakes cut, ate cake and bid farewell to some of them. Gary had work, left. Yanling had other appointment, left as well.

US! The seniors of her English tuition group! ^^
She's an amazing tutor, I tell you. (=

Here's the Junior class.

Anna, Xueting(I think), Felicia, PINKY, Jolene & Helina.

& The Senior CLASS! We've all graduated though, except for Xiaoxuan.

Gary, Xiaoxuan, PINKY, Yanling, Jasmine & Minghong.

Dinner TIME! =D
**Not so short anyway. xD

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