Friday, January 18, 2008


Yeah, it's early and inappropriate to be doing an entry when I'm suppose to be working. However, I am unable to tolerate the thing that is bugging me.

Today, is labelled : BAD.

First up, a tough night. I had a hard time trying to coax myself to bed - shutting from my mind, tossing and turning, straining my eyes by staring in the dark at my celling and... simply staying motionless. I tried doing what used to make me sleep when I can't (except counting sheeps) but, I just couldn't rest properly. I'll blame it on the mess I have in my mind. I was thinking too much but - I can't control. -.-
Thus, I found myself sort of waking up at the wrong side of the bed feeling extremely restless and untidy. Bad hair day too. zzZ
The worst thing is, I had a tiff. -.-

What a horrible start for a long day.

So, here I am trying to control the mess I'm handling right now. Alright, I know that letting these feelings known in my blog is not going to contribute to the sorting of my feelings but this is the only way I think can calm myself before I really burst into tears. -.-

Just hope that the rest of the day would be better with lesser idiotic customers calling up with rude attitudes to clear their doubts or complain. . .
Back to work...

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