Monday, December 03, 2007

A really long post.

BEWARE, this is going to be a very very VERY long post. (: Anyway, the contribution to this long post won’t solely be my rants but also a number of pictures taken on Saturday.

The birthday girl and the cake. hahaha.

Hmm. The pictures are taken with Yanling and Jiaxuan as we had a mini birthday celebration for Jiaxuan. I was pretty glad that Jiaxuan was surprised. Hahaha. A little pity, for I did not take pictures of her surprised expression. LOL. We were all too engrossed in making the surprise a success la.

(: It was good to she her surprised for the first time. hehe.

Isn't she looking blissed? hahaha.

I wondered what she had wished for. xD

Right, work has been pretty hectic and boring at the same time. When ohh when is the new receptionist coming to take over?! I wanna learn new things!! (:

“Where ohh where can the new one be? Ohh where ohh where can she/he be?” lol.

The cake! (: Very small though but, it's the heart that counts isn't it? lol.

We had a very delivious lunch at Plaza Singapura's Crystal Jade. I was pretty surprised when I heard Yanling ask about the restaurant like as if she has never dine there before. hahaha.

Alright, the pictures coming up is pretty gross. It's because we started eating and totally forgot about taking pictures until we were almost done. xD

LOL. They don't taste as gross as it might seem. They were pretty nice but, I was disappointed because the menu was so limited! ):

YES! Our room has gotten a new 32” LCD TV. Not bad, not bad. Hahaha. I realise I cannot start watching a serial because I have to finish watching it as soon as possible. Sunday was spent mainly on watching “Why why Love”. Initially, I wasn’t really interested but was kindda hooked in the end. The only thing I loathe is the fact that this Taiwan serial might even have a part 2 or worse still a part 3! What more, part 1 already has like… 12 LONG episodes. -.- Very draggy. Lol. Next up, Korean’s “Coffee Prince”! (: I’m so looking forward to it! Hahaha. The guy is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo CUTE!!! Hahaha.

Guess what? Among the three of us, Yanling ate the most. While Jiaxuan and I were chatting, I notice Yanling chewing all the way. LOL. She has a voracious appetite indeed. lol. Not only for bread. haha.

Self shot! (:(:(: I was really happy that day despite being tired. It was really good to see them again. What more, I was desperately in need of communicating with some who understands my crap. LOL. Adults are dead, DEAD boring.

This, is totally gross! See what Yanling did to the Pan-Fried Yam... Something. LOL.

This, is the dark side of the pretty yet very blur Yanling. lol

Can you believe how many suitors she has? LOL.


After meal, Yanling was feeling so bloated that she was going crazy. hahaha.

After lunch, the three of us started to camwhore from Plaza Singapura to Vivo City and lastly to Clarke Quay. LOL. We were seriously very bored.

Clarke Quay...

Guys, are you jealous? They are straight though. lol.

Alright, I'm really running out of ideas regarding the captions. lol. Just look at the pictures la.

I have been thinking; what is it that I have always been seeking in a relationship? Be it a family relationship, friendship or… you know, the girl boy relationship. (I’m not really interested in this for now though. xD)

Then, I came to know that I should change my old concept about relationships. Yes, being in a girl boy relationship is far more complicated so, let’s not touch there. In a healthy relationship (those that does not involve love and stuff), I use to have an idea that keeps causing me to be unhappy. This is my problem, I don’t deny.

Every single one of us is unique, gifted with different views and granted with different rights. There’s no right or wrong in our decisions and opinions as long as we don’t hurt anyone or break the law. Thus, I shouldn’t have a concept that restricts me. I shouldn’t think that it’s just right for someone to give me the same attention I give them or the same commitment I give in a relationship.

Since we are different, we have different ways of handling things and it’s certain that not everyone’s like me or you. Maybe there’s one in a thousand who’s similar, who knows? But, it’s one in a thousand, or maybe a million. So, when we deal things differently, we commit to a relationship differently. This completely explains why some times we get upset and frustrated. It’s because some of us tend to expect to get what we have given.

The thing is, no one can force another to do something they do not like. My previous concept was stupid.

I was silly, really silly.

Anyway, I recall having a friend who is far more ridiculous than me. Although I (used to) expect my friends to return what I give (not literally), I don’t do anything to it. I’ll just leave it as it is and soon get over the matter. However, my friend actually has the cheek to sort of force the other. I find it ridiculous because the friendship becomes sort of better because… I don’t know how to describe. The thing is, you don’t say you mean well when you’re upsetting your friend by forcing them to do something they detest. I guess there are cases that forces are inevitable but if it’s nothing related to breaking the law, why force your friend or kin?!

Tsk! It turns me off but this message doesn’t seem to get to my friend, at all.

This doesn’t matter la. I just have to ensure that I no longer have the same concept. Yeah, that’s right. (:

Having friends by my side is a blessing and, I'll certainly cherish this gift.

Alright! X'mas is coming. hahaha. Many malls are decorated and I heard that this year's theme is Black, Black Christmas. hahaha.

Does anyone who reads my long entries celebrates Christmas? Well, don't forget my presents. lol.

Vivo City was really very pretty. Especially the outside. Aww~ How I wish I can spend Christmas there. lol

I'm tired! LOL.

I love this picture! (:(:

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