Friday, December 07, 2007

333rd POST! (:

YAY! This is my 333rd post! My favourite number repeating three times! hahaha.

Yes, yes yes - My long posts turns many off. So, here's a short one despite being the 333rd post, I know, I know; It doesn't matter to anyone whether 3 is my favorite number but anyway...

New receptionist's here today. No comments though, I don't wanna rant about the things I feel in case I get too naggy and starts doing a very long post again. (: I'm self-consious! hehe.

Anyway, are my entries still as long as I used to post? Especially the one I've posted with pictures with Jiaxuan and Yanling. Hmm. I know it looks darn long but, it has like.... many pictures?? hahaha.

Work has been G-R-E-A-T!! (: I'm getting along with all my colleagues. Yes, Gary's so R-I-G-H-T! Someone who looks friendly to you doesn't mean that person is genuinely good to you. My concept differs a little. (: Those who look very serious and very unapproachable - are in fact very very FRIENDLY! YAY! Really nice people. hehe.

There was once, when this came into my mind during work;
If you genuinely have the heart and mind to do something; no matter how tedious it might be, it would never be felt like as if you're doing a chore. When it starts feeling like you're doing a chore, dont do it. (:

Apologies to those I might have accidentally offended in this post. I know I might have with the pretty harsh remarks. I'm really sorry but I'm boiling a little, just a little. (:

Sorry to be turning you people off again, I'll try my best to update with shorter, shorter entries.

Peace out!

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