Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ugly truths..

Alright, second post for the day. (:

Out of boredom, I found some blogs to entertain myself. XD It's pretty interesting to see the converse of someone you thought might be like. (Wait, this sentence doesn't make sense; please ask me what I mean if you don't understand.) This shows that: when you judge someone, don't just trust what you see and your intuitions, you might be totally wrong. TOTALLY! (X

Visited Gary and Soohou's blog and I realised that today's the last time I'm ever having a tuition. Wow. Time really flies. It's as though I'm still preparing for O' levels but now it's all coming to an end. No more tuition!! hehe.

Great, I finally found answers to the hundreds of questions I have about myself. Credits to Soohou's latest entry. Well, he mentioned something about friends who really care for you. I think both of us are somehow a little similar in a sense that we tend to expect to receive the same treatment we give someone. However, it's a frequent disappointment. I've actually gotten used of this life, living in a world filled with disappointments. I've also learnt to actually be alright with those feelings. Just like how I always run away from something. Ignoring and tolerating works just fine in this reality. (:
I guess this is life as it is.

I started having this knot about friendship few weeks ago. It was when my sister teared for she think she has no friends. We confided in each other and I finally admit to her and myself that; it seems that I'm the luckiest person to have so many friends around me but soon i realise that not all are true as i thought they are. Pure acquaintance I should say. However, I was very confused with myself. I thought I may be having some problems with myself mentally in which I can't answer.

I was really shocked when I received that text that particular day. I thought she would be there for me whenever I need her just like how I would be there for her regardless of other matters especially... money? (: I've accepted the way she is though.

Little did I expect to post up such a long post again. LOL. I seriously did not mean it to be this long. haha.
I better scram now. XD haha.

Buh bye!

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