Thursday, November 08, 2007

New Blogskin!! (:


I'm such a messed up person. -.-
I messed up my appointments. So stupid.

Anyway, today's a tiring long day!
I suddenly have doubts about my shopping abilities. XD
It's good to have a change though. ^^

New Blogskin again! (:

I was wondering; "Why would one always feel irritated by another when they spend too long a time together?"
Like they say, -Absence makes the heart grow fonder- why is it so? Hmmm.

What a random post. -.- Lol.

URG! I can't believe the reality show; "American's Next Top Model" is not air-ed today for some Starship Trooper movie. So... Yucky, with the bugs and all coming out of one's body. Eww..

It's so boring to be stuck at home shifting almost everything in my bedroom and studyroom.

Alright, ending this very random post now. My sister is complaining about wanting to play Audition. ): Update again with the before and after pictures taken. hehe.

I suddenly miss Gary! LOL. Aww~ I'm missing him already? Eeee... XD

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