Sunday, November 25, 2007

A very long post. xD

Alright, here's a long post (as usual) with some outdated pictures. xD

To those who's interested in what I'm working as...
I'm a General Clerk in some company. The work load is crazy, I tell you. It's like I'm the secretay of more than 5 but lesser than 15 people. This excludes the fact that I do the issuing of receipts, filing, recording, answering, calling and stuff (there's still some more a little naggy to carry on). Sigh. CRAZY, C-R-A-Z-Y!!! lol.


I did this pretty long ago, out of boredom.

This is actually the first one. hehe.

I can't stop repeating to myself regarding the irritating fact that I have to wake up early in the morning for work. Well, it has no difference from schooling. Wake up early, study like mad/work like crazy and go back home late.

However, I finally realise why many adults say they prefer studying to working. Working is like hell man.
When schooling, you have your friends around you (you will soon befriend some in your company though). You’ll also be granted short breaks and stuff. But, when you work; you have near nothing of what I’ve mentioned. What more, you can knock off early if you have no CCA. In the workforce? You’ll have to work almost round the clock. Trust me; working in the office is far more different, more pressurizing and more tedious then F&B and sales part time jobs.

Let me side track a little. hehe.

These pictures were taken on the night when I'm suppose to be studying Social Studies for O's. For the whole night, I did nothing near studying but play with... WATER BABIES! hahaha.

The lame thing is, I even made a story out of it. xD

The first water baby we had! YAY! hahaha.

Then, I decided to bring it's two friends along for the photo shoot. haha.

Macro mode's really nice. xD

After the photo shoot, my sister and I played with them. We played the game, "Jump, Jump; Water Baby!". The game is to actually drop the water baby in time so that I can take it while it's like... jumping. haha. Very lame right? No choice, that's what Social Studies had drove me into. xD

Anyway, one of the water babies died a terrible death.

See! That's the dead corpse and it's two friends tearing for it's death. haha.

After we threw that water baby, my sister decided to bring in more water babies. And, we formed a...

FAMILY OF WATER BABIES! hahaha. That's the family protrait. xD

And, this is a picture of the game we played with the water babies "Jump, Jump; Water Baby!". hahaha.

This explains why I can't do the paper for Social Studies. Pretty wasted because I actually spotted the damn right topic!! *Cool down* Forget it. (:

Back to the topic about jobs.

When you work in the office you will be more tired. Not that working in other fields is not tiring, Well, you’ll be physically tired for jobs in F&B and sales but both physically and mentally tired for office work. You might think I’m exaggerating but, this is my opinion about what I've experience for my three working days. What more, it depends on the job you have chosen. Like my mother, she’s almost free and easy everyday. Very good life. xD But she does her work well when she's suppose to la. hehe.

Anyway, I would also prefer studying to working in an office. Although I’m not obligated to work there, it has been my choice to learn and gain experience. The only thing that turns me off is the sight of my colleagues not putting a wee bit of effort to register my name, one person’s name, when I have a bunch to get into my head. Thirty three of them, almost a class! Right, no more complains! (: I won't quit though. I have to be responsible and committed. If not, what would I become in future? LOL.

Ohh yah! I almost forgot. I said I was packing my rooms and table ages ago isn't it? Well, I actually did it and cleared many stuff.

This is a picture of my study desk before cleaning things up.

Not very messy though. You should see it during O's. During that period of time, my table was in an atrocious mess! But, I cleared some because I can't stand being awfully untidy.

I forgot to take an "After" picture though. But, it's very tidy now. haha.

While I was packing, I found this...

Done by... Serene Tan. Aww~ I'm starting to miss the schooling days again! History lessons were always boring but with Serene around, I was pretty much entertained. xD

The next picture might not look very amusing but I just took it for fun.

This sums up the total amount of paper I have kept for O's in a year. Basically, I use to do some clearing of papers in the past once every 9 months. xD If I were to keep every single notes I was issued, I think it would be two times more than this! It's a pity I forgot to take a picture with it~ But anyway, I was looking very sloopy and untidy that day (from all the clearing up and moving of stuffs).

So, anyway; back to the topic again.

Alright, some has comment that my pay is pretty low. To this opinion, I have not much comment because I work there for the experience not for the money. What more, I have CPF. Some say it’s ridiculous to start having CPF when you can spend them all now (I was thinking this way initially) but I think it’s still alright la. I believe this job experience would give me a short cut in future when I search for jobs after I graduate. Hehe.

Some pictures again! It's really boring to see me rant about my things isn't it? hahaha.

This is my room before the make over (without the a new coat of paint; my parents have decided to paint it again next year). Pretty cramp.

This is a picture taken right after all the movements and a while before I clear up the mess.

Very messy, isn't it? Girls do have many things eh. hahaha.

I used to have no soft toys but at the age of 13, I received the first soft toy from one of my relatives. Then, I slowly receive soft toys as birthday gifts but, my soft toys are always lesser than my sister until I turn 16. xD

During this whole make over, I realise I have more than what my sister have. xD
So much for wondering why girls love collecting soft toys. xD

THIS! Is my new room. Taken the next morning.

I think I'm being a little crazy. Showing my room to everyone who views my blog. But, who cares? I'm bored. haha. Ohh ya, ohh ya! I folded my blanket! Not my first time but my first time after a very very very very very long time. xD

And; this is my bed!!

Alright, back to the topic to end it somehow. xD

Although tomorrow would be my forth day of work only, I’ve already learnt a lot. This experience made me remind myself to work in a high position in future. At least, I have to be one of the managers and stuff. Hehe. I’ve also been in a state of forlorn and, it sucks! Imagine working with a group of strangers who’s at least 7 years older than you. Tsk! Irritating. No topics to talk about, you can't even understand what they are talking about. Lol. But, I’ll soon get over all these. (: Enough of working.

Despite having to work in the first half of the Saturday, weekend has been great. There’s nothing much to comment about it anyway. xD The whole working days have been cheered with some funny variety show. Hahaha.

I think I'm really a television addict. haha. After O levels I couldn't stop but yearn to watch the television. Although sometimes some shows are dead boring, I still switch the TV on for it's presence. xD However, now that I work; I can't do anything like that already. SAD!

Anyway, let's not go on further about work.

Today, my family and I went to the temple and did a little shopping in Toa Payoh. Nothing interesting la. I just wanna do a short introduction for the thing I've bought. haha.

Bought three of this; one for Me, one for Yanling and one for Jiaxuan! (:

I don't know why I bought it actually. Just had the urge to do so. xD

Very obvious who gets which colour.

Ohh yeah, last thing I want to complain about working.

It's the irritating decision regarding the outfit to wear for work. I have to be neat but I don't wanna wear too nice at the same time. Very fussy indeed. It takes me a very long time to think of what to wear. haha. I need a shopping spree!! Alright, I'll end here about jobs!

To those who have read Yanling's blog, she has mention that I did some thing for her on her first day of work right? And, she forgot to take a picture before she ate them all. xD here it is.

The thing is, I don't know how to do cakes and stuff so had no choice but did some bread. At least, I did something she can be crazy over. hahaha! It's the thought that counts anyway. xD

No captions for both pictures because I don't know what to say. xD

I want to get some books and start learning how to bake something else though. xD

I really miss JJAR. aww~ Ruyi! Why are you so busy!! ): I need a meet up! Miss Jiaxuan too. sobb. I also miss NPCONCC! When are we having a BBQ again?! It has been like... don't know how long.. since we last meet up. Sept was the last time the whole of NPCONCC had meet up for something, I think. ):

The days after O level is not so ideal as it was. Sigh. Like one of my friends had said. When you are working hard for O's you pray for it to end as soon as possible but when you finish taking O's you find that you no longer have a goal to carry on your days like you used to. Now, you just live a day as it is and have fun unless you work like mad. xD

Okay, okay, it's time to end this very very very very very very very long post!!

I need more sleep!! Goodness.

Alright then, night people! :)

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