Sunday, September 09, 2007

random random.

sighs. they're right.
but, i just can't seem to set my mind- to practice what i preach.
now, i'm thinking of seeking help from someone; in fact, ANYONE!
ahhhhhh~ i need motivation to study.
this sucks.
"As long as you know what you're doing."
made me moody the whole day.
moody moody moody!

can't watch "High School Musical Two". ):
my stupid pencil case died few days ago- and i've got no time to get a new one!!
hope mum gets home with one. (:
that picture almost killed me~ the cruel truth; i've been avoiding to see.
okayy, a random post with random thoughts. ^^
-study, study, study.
-gloomy, gloomy, gloomy!!!

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