Sunday, June 03, 2007

Thanks CINDY!!

all thanks to cindy, i've got these done today!!


didn't notice that today was the last day until yesterday afternoon so, quickly made the reservations and went to compass's Nail Art with sister. she did hers too! (:

my toe.. LOLS!

it wasn't that bad other than the fact that it was ticklish at first. out first time you know. LOLS. didn't think about the colour so picked black out of random. lols.

my sister's leg!

she claimed her leg looked like Shek? well, she didn't choose the colour she just didn't make up her mind and gave the lady a chance to make the decision. but, i guess it's not that bad? LOLs.

my sister's one is spoitl~ kindda wasted but she assured it's okay to her. LOLs.

once again, thanks CINDY! lols. ^^

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