Wednesday, June 20, 2007

had GREAT FUN!! (:

i'm like super super sleepy now; but i'm still here to update!! (:
this is so gonna be a long post larhs! lols.

past two days have been kindda fun yet very tiring. first, after our Day1 camp in school on the 18th, came home- rest and blogged which led me to sleep at 0200+hrs but; woke up at around 0655+hrs for our Day2 camp? lols. enjoyed our time at East Coast! hahas! so much for being a senior, he bullied us!! lols.
i can go on and on.. but i think pictures tends to be more interesting ya? lols.
P.S: pictures are randomly uploaded so, they are not posted according to the time that it had happened. (: tired to do the arrangments. XD


Fatin! Nadiah! Diana! &Jasmine! (:

it was great diving into the sand and being "taopok" by my beloved TootBitches!! hahas.


after debrief, we sang a birthday song for NADIAH! it's her Birthday today!! hahas.

theEXCO!! i like~ (:

the models for sandcastle making and their number!! LOLs.
only Fatin, Aaron and Jagroop weren't lucky enough to be part of us. XD

model 3 : DIANA!!

model 2 & 6 : NADIAH & HAKIM!!

model 1 : NAIM!!

i was relunctant but...

did it anyway. LOLs. it was kindda difficult to breathe you know? lols. the sands were DAMN heavy sia. LOLs.
model 5 : JASMINE!!

model 4 : NIZAM!!

the girls wanted to act vain. LOLs. Jagroop is a lucky man! (:

i don't know why people like covering my face when someone takes my picture. sobbs! ): lols.

ME AGAIN! lols.

ain't the words "SSS MUSICAL CHAIR!" nice? lols. they were well written by JASMINE CHUA!! (:

Nadiah and Fatin with the heart they made. ^^

wanted to piggy back Diana but she jumped on me too suddenly that i couldn't react to it. LOLS!

then, we were lame and took this kissing picture! lols. i LOVE DIANA!!

not really well taken but there were still effort! lols. Mr Rafi was rushing us larhs! XD

this happened in the morning. LOLs. when the committee were playing dog-&-bone. lols.

she looks happy with her legs "rooted" to the ground yeahs? lols.

they are who made my life in Prefectorial board enjoyable! (:

EXCO! i'll never forget them ever! (: they made me learn and teasure the word "RACIAL HARMONY". LOLs.

INFORMAL US! (: we're forever crazy and the guys love snatching the limelight! lols.

Jagroop, Diana, Fatin and ME!! (:

there's still pictures taken but too many larhs! lols. i like this picture because the seaview was SIMPLY GREAT!! (:

after camping at East Coast, we walked all the way from carpark E3 to C something barefooted. gosh. my feet hurst real bad. then, i changed before continue walking further without my shoes to meet my parents. met up with them and had them send me and Aaron to our chalet. wow, we were really late; we got lost too. LOLs. by the time we were there, everyone were almost drained out; slacking, watching the television, chatting, singing while having beautiful people play the guitar and having they second round (or even more) dinner. glad that they were happy with the food. (: i LOVE the chicken chop chop~ hahas!

after reaching and keeping my bag in our room-for-the-stay, i was suddenly thinking of this person (who always complaing that i'm a bore to be texting with) who was pissed when this person had texted me so, i got kindda worried and went asking for this person. got to know where this person's whereabout and walked to that particular place (which was kindda far); in the end, it was seen that this person was having fun. -.- LOLs. got me all so worried but in the end glad that this person was feeilng better? lols. ahhhh, can't blame; i'm such a GREAT FRIEND! lols.

GENERALLY, guys our age now are very very VERY lame. lols. throwing people (who are already in the pool) into another side of the pool. -.- lols. i don't find anything interesting about doing that actually. lols.

the chalet ends up being kindda boring because we are sort of seperated into cliques of our own so, didn't minger as much as we should have. ): but still, it was GREAT FUN!! hehs. played mahjong, "truth or dare" and had some small chats. i love playing "truth or dare" which we end up chaging it to just dares. LOLS! the start of it was interesting but slowly, it became boring because we were running out of lame lame dares for them to do. hahas! still, we had FUN! hahas. lucky i'm afraid of heights! lols. my dare was to.. hug Afiq? lols. super cute..

then, we had more funny dares like having Darius to ask Elen whether he's handsome or not? lols. and Weishan's couple dare with Nicholas to tell Elen (WS) and Xinya (Nic) that they are Lesbian and Bisexual and ending it with Darius' signature wink. LOLS! Weishan got quite a number of double dare after she and Rufi said they were safe! LOLs. Weishan got a double dare with Gary whereby we made them stand on chairs; Weishan to shout "I'm Black and i'm rusted" before jumping down from the chair like as if she's jumping into a pool and Gary to shout "I'm going to be black and i'm rusting?!?" LOLS! can't remember and he also jumped down. LOLS~
all pictures are with Gary yeahs? LOLs.
the funniest was having Eugene hop all the way from the kitchen (he cheated) to one of the bedrooms (Elens' one again), make the sound of a frog and say: "I'm a frog and i love to eat flies". LOLS~ then, we had Zhiyu slamming one of the doors (our room; occupied by FangYing and co.) and say: "BIBI!" before sort of running away? LOLs. that was hilarious larhs~

we also had Eugene and Zakiy to walk infront of some of our classmates to say: "we're brothers of the same height". LOLS! not that funny but then again, okayy larhs~ lols.
we made Gary and Zhiyu say they're couple too! hahas. looked so weird together. hahas!

during our small chats, we talked about eeeriee rumours we heard from friends or seniors about our school and end up having some creeps. LOLs. felt tired so, we laid in bed. some felt asleep while some just lay there to rest. i think (i think larhs!) i didn't sleep at all but maybe, i dozed off for a couple of minutes. the chalet was noisy larhs! lols. while my class clique was in the room, the rest (most) were outside- Fangying and co were playing murderer in the living room. &it was said that they lasted for about 3 hours?!? LOLS! it was like.. what the hell larhs?!? they were loud larhs! lols. then, Gary started to play this snake game in his "SISTERS'" phone. lols. with the noise and stuff, i think i didn't sleep but it was good to just lie down. hahas!

after that, i went out and looked for Weishan to accompany me for a stroll. chatted and laughed. LOLs. went back to chalet and found our teacher awake. lols. slacked for an hour or so longer before starting to pack our stuffs. it was also said that the BBQ lasted for almost 8 hours! hahas~ power right? lols.

anyway, i recalled only eating; One and two small bites of crabstick, one chicken chop and two pieces of sotong. LOLS! i didn't get to eat POTATO!! urg.. lols. will try to get some pictures taken while playing "Truth or Dare" from Gary then i'll upload them. Xd


US! (: first shot. lols. self timed lehs. lols.

the GIRLS! muacckks!!
sobbs. Joanne hurt herself the night before. ): hope she get well soon!! ^^

the GUYS! (:

US! the not-so-ready shot. lols.

point that coconut! look at Mdm Ong. LOLS!

??? lols. this class rocks my secondary school life! (:

4EB formal 1~

4EB formal 2~

4EB informal 1~

4EB informal 2~

waited for the person-in-charge to come and have the chalet checked before we doing the checking out and stuff. he was late for 10minutes ++. TSK! and Gary, Darius and Nicholas fell asleep! LOLs. anyway, the worst was yet to be experienced. after that, we wanted to return our mahjong set we rent last night and two of the bikes from the Aloha cafe. we waited, waited &WAITED. -.- we were told that they will be opened at 1000+hrs?!? but end up we had a late lady coming in and trying to open they door which was sort of stuck?!? -.- she was late but the only thing that was good about her being late was that she forgot to collect the rental fee for the mahjong set. LOLS! free for a night! woooooooooohoooooooo~ ^^

after returning all the things, we head to McDonald to have our "breakfast" but because we were late for a minute or so (we were deciding where to dine), we were sort of forced to eat the lunch set for breakfast.. lols. then, we headed to some place in AngMoKio to play pool. gosh! i kept falling asleep in the bus. -.- it was the sudden jerk and the falling of my head that woke me up. scary to be falling asleep in the bus.. eeeeeeeeee~ anyway, didn't want to play pool at first but GARY NEO forced me to. my right arm hurts like crazy~ shouldn't have strain it in the first place. sighs. anyway, hope it's because i'm too stressed but not because it's an injury already. ): had tuition planned so had to leave the place early. wanted to leave with Nicholas to take cab home but i seriously don't know why i wanted to be left alone out of the blue.

waited for Nicholas and Kristoffer a while before deciding to text Nicholas about my early departure. left and walked to TWO bus stops after the one we usually board bus from after a visit to NYP. Gary said i was insane! lols. but the walk was serious like nothing at that point of time. i just wanted to walk, walk &walk.. teared while walking. i honesty don't know why there's this sudden chemical reaction in my body that made me cry. -.- then when i cooled down, i realise it may be due to my increasing stress level for these few days or the pain in my right arm. when Darius was teaching me how to slice that bloody thingy, i didn't concentrate nor try my best at all. my arm hurts. i was sure Darius went out of patience. ):

they were so tired that while waiting for the person-in-charge...
...they slept. lols.


EB's OLD MAN! (:


the three sleeping prince! (:
i'm so gonna get it from them. lols.
but, i have to admit. without them, chalet would be even worst than boring. XD THANKS MY CUTIESS!! (:

buhbye~ going to have a gooooood rest! (:
ohh yeahs!

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