Friday, May 18, 2007


thanks to cindy, now whenever i'm bored i'll do this...

...edit pictures!! LOLs.

after talking to him and her and you know, coming across her blog; it made me realise the freaky part of being a changed person, knowing a changed friend and having a changed opinion. it's seriously scary.
but, i can't do flashbacks now. or else, Gary's not gonna have sweet dreams when he read this. LOLs. anyway, i'm still kindda freaked out. hahas.

got back rest of the papers. i'm just glad i've got back my Composition standard and that i've FINALLY passed my History structured essay. but, not really that happy either because i've failed Social Studies and History Source Based Question (how can it be?!?). sighs. so, my overall for humanities is... 45!! GREAT! 5 more marks to pass. but at least, i've improved (i guess), at least i didn't fail Social Studies that bad. this result has also shown something. that is..:
i MUST study for humanities to at least pass my stuctured essay!!
so glad that the first time i study and i straight away got my results. ^^ hahas. i feel a bit retarded now.

so, lesson tomorrow. *bleah* lunch tomorrow's gonna be great! lols. but, it's a pity people nowadays don't think before they carry out their actions. kindda irritaing too. on the other hand, she's right; there's no point cooking up a scene.

headache acting up again. i can't place the last time i never have headaches.

it's proven! bastards are bastards. hahs. never again will i trust such things again.

tata! gotta catch some sleep.
i can't stand the weird chemical reaction when talking to her. i know it's obvious, but how to stop the weird things going on in me?!?

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