Sunday, March 18, 2007

Term 2!!

okay, in order not to make my previous post too obvious, i've decided to post today. but, incase you're interested what's with the previous post, check it out from my "recent post". hahas. the first on the list is my previous post. ^^

i doubt i will be able to update as often once school starts. sighs. holidays were really ruined~

anyway, went to pray in the "morning" at about 1300hrs. sighs. how i wish i didn't know anythings. he was quite true about the things you know. what's more, i'm so afraid to face the future. sighs. why?!? hope those were not completely true.
after that, went to have a hair cut again. hahas. within one month. this time, it's pretty short. urg~ but i think it's at least something different then my as-per-usual hair style. something new. and, it's a good thing that it's not unbalanced like the previous one. =]

tomorrow's the start of the second term. not much difference because i totally lost my holidays. two more weeks to SYF and i'm still not able to memorise the whole score. sighs. less than ten months to O levels and time is really passing fast. no more time to enjoy~
what's more, i haven't touch my holiday assignments yet. gosh. i'm lazy!

how i wish i can be like yanling and feel the urgency to start mugging.
hope, the new term with my new hairstyle can kick off a good start. and really really hope my future will not be as scary as i was told. sighs.
i really hope i can ask what my heart wants.. it's really confusing with what my heart and mind wants when they are hoping for different things. if only i was clear of what i want, i won't be so distracted.
suddenly feel distraught. what a dark future i use to look forward to..

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