Tuesday, March 20, 2007

no title~ ^^

okay, today's the second day of school and i'm updating~
school has been as-per-usual since most of us didn't feel the presence of the holidays completely.

i'm not sure why but these days, i've been eperiencing headaches and dizziness. sighhs. hope all these will just go away and leave me alone. dad's real funny today. finally got the pictures we took on Friday but i'm lazy to post them. ^^

gary's really irritating! =]

congrat weishan for being a gonna-be-superstars' girlfriend~ (i know it's fake larhhs!). orchestra is really improving!! yeahs! but, i'm still lagging at the back just like coursework. sighhs. no wonder i experience headaches.

Prefects' Meeting is tomorrow but i haven't complete the slides that are suppose to be somehow useful while fatin brief the prefects. FINALLY, my committee is free from recess stall duties~ after so much pleading to change it. anyway, i feel for this committee and she still haven't contribute anything to it yet. i know it's difficult to experience being replaced but, like what he told her, it's life. i'm not being arrogant but seriously, if i were her, i would be sad but would also get over it soon enough since i've got another task to accomplish. people always say: "it's easier to be said then done"
i know, of course i know. but, we cannot be defeated just like that. we should have the mentality to work even harder to prove that the person has made the wrong decision to take away your position. sighhs.
we are getting sick and tired of talking to her. but leaving the way she is now doesn't help to do anything.

my new hairstyle sucks! lols. it's okay but i regret cutting it. so many things are happening in two weeks time and i strongly feel that my hair won't grow much within the two weeks. urg! i'll just pray hard to either have the things postponed or my hair grow at least an inch longer by the end of this week. (:

i still don't know what Diana want me to help her do. sighhs. -.-

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