Wednesday, December 13, 2006

what a life.

not subscribing for new line le. have to wait till next year's september. so sadd. but, i've got over it.

anyway, slept real late last night at 0232 (the last time i see the time) reading a book borrowed from Melissa; "Chinese Cinderella".
nice book. very touching and inspiring. it's the first book that made me felt my tears for four times. at first, i thought i wasn't paying attention to the book and maybe was thinking about some other thing rather than the content. by the second and third time i cry, i realise that it was because of the content.
the book make me feel so fortunate and blessed. it also made me think about a friend of mine who doens't treasure much things just yet. sighs.

my computer is fixed. FINALLY! but, it doesn't feel the same anymore. i hate the fonts! so BIG!!! eww.. and i can't remember how to change other than the one that is selected from the properties.

gotta go. =D

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