Sunday, December 03, 2006

SRJC camp DAY 2 and 3

one more minute to 12.. hahas! great news: my computer is spoilt. i don't know why, but yeahs i can't change the fact it's spoilt. =(
anyway, UPDATE UPDATE for camp! hahas.

SRJC camp DAY 2
met at a later time and end up being late for the camp. my partner's absent. sad. but, the day was still quite okay excluding the fact that i had to rush back to school (SSS) to attend CO practice. miss it damn much but didn't expect to have the need to rush back. sobbs. hahas. anyway, camp started with group time. discussed and i helped out. as for the girl i mentioned in the earlier post. now, i like her. weird huh?! well, she treated me nice. so, i'm not petty. she's cute anyway. hahas.

didn't play the game that involves getting wet and soapy. but, i played the passing of bananas with our mouth. damn disgusting! why people didn't think about using their lips but the teeths?!? eww!! i used my lips and felt the moisture. DISGUSTING!! good thing the skin was intact. the last person had to finish the banana. i fled to the middle. hahas.

missed the other games. damn! didn't have lunch. skipped it because i didn't have the mood. let's not talk about it. colledge dance was disasterous. didn't had a partner so was arranged to dance with a guy. so embarrassing. both of us didn't exchange eye contact at all. danced a few times and left during the ten minutes break. orchestra practice was disasterous too! like as if i know what's going on. i missed two weeks of practice, HELLO?!? LOLs. and, i hurt my finger. forth finger. because of yanling!! she started kicking my chair and because my hand was not long enough -.-, i revenged by shortening her music stand. first time was a success then, jinling helped her. not happy de me, i go do it again. how know this time the music stand just fall straight at my finger. pain like siao! lols. couldn't play well because my middle finger was affected. sobbs.

anyway, went back to SRJC and sat for the last few fifteen minutes of games. then, some blah blah things. we joined in the special night. NICE NICE!! prefects also had our own walk in and performance. last minute de preparation but good thing, it was a success. hahas. one hour to prepare only.

then, everyone was so high! hahas. made a circle and dance the "twist" song before dancing the friendship song. changed so many partners. hahas. good thing i end up partnering a female if not, colledge dance will be ruin again. hahas. not really ruin larhs. but still, dancing with a girl or at least a less shy guys is better. =] suddenly love cheering! hahas. so fun.

after that, took our stuffs and left the school. wanted to stay overnight but did not. loiter for about an hour before leaving because we had to discuss what to give and the speech for the next day. planned to meet at 6 the next morning. =]

SRJC camp DAY 3
met up at hougang green's macdonald. woke up damn late and thought i will be the last but in the end, i'm the third to reach. the rest were late. wanted to do a card but in the end, mr rafi say that we don't have to. so, some of us went to buy some small gifts for our families.

last day was high too. was a bit late but, they were discussing about their meeting days. after some debrief and our last speech (did some funky things that made them laugh), we were seperated to do our clean up. was assigned to do the hall. talked to my whole family. i still can't control my eye! more eye contact to the people i'm talking to. hmms. then, after cleaning up, we went to the gallery (should be) to distribute the lollipops we bought. glad they liked it.

reached home at about 12+hrs. talked to my mother, bathed and went to use the computer. wanted to solve my internet problem at that time but my head started to spin and i couldn't picture things properly so, i disk cleaned and defragmented my com while i take a nap on my grandma's bed. in the end, i couldn't take it and slept in my sis bed at 1500+hrs before waking up at 1930+hrs because mum wanted me to have dinner. wanted to continue my sleep but did not. sobbs. then, slept at about 2300+hrs. was damn sleepy lo. woke up by a call at 0100+hrs but didn't answer because my friend hung up before i could answer. 3 miss calls. haniza called twice.

messaged her to ask her why she called and she said because she was bored and it was okay because her book was with her. -.- i miss reading. sobbs. no time!! one more week. hahas.


today was okay. woke up at around 1030+hrs. wanted to call my friend but did not. switched on my computer and found out that i can't start it. damn! so stupid. and sad. all my pictures! no backup. wanted to just kill myself. URG!! my files, also gone. damn!! arg!!

went out to gramms house to celebrate my cousin's one months' something. LOLs. he's cute! and his name, i gave him. hahas.

tired tired!! wanna orh orh le. =] one more PACKED week before my two weeks geniue break! wahahs! can't wait for it to start.
tomorrow, have to wake up at 7 to attend a prefects' meeting for Tuesday and Wednesday's camp. i don't know anything. -.-''

then, will have practice at 1400. scared later meeting end early then got nothing to do. maybe skipping lunch too. doubt canteen got open any stalls. sobbs. also don't wanna go out alone to have lunch. how pathetic can i be?!?

ohh yeahs, after visit to gramms house, i went to compass and then parkway parade. =] didn't buy anything other than chocolates to give teachers this coming Christmas. doubt gonna celebrate at all. so sad. no one ask me out. =( still thinking whether should buy gifts for friends. should i? =]


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