Friday, December 22, 2006


finally after dayys, i'm posting again! =D miss blogger.

today was FUUUNN.. woke up at 0600hrs to get ready and left my house at 0630hrs. we had to reach the place we've agreed on at 0645hrs. i'm still the EARLIEST despite the fact that Fatin boarded her bus earlier (hahas!). like the day before, we chatted and waited for the others.
so damn GROSS lorhs today. first was a lizard that had drop onto my hand, next they saw a rat and then a dog and a spider. EWW~ and as usual, i was trying to irritate them. hahas. Diana was DAMN cute acting like a nerdyBITCH or was it a BITCHYnerd?!? hahas.

anyway, today's the registration day for coming new sec.1s. fun but damn tiring. for the first time, i feel so tired! my whole body even ache~ maybe because it's been quitea long time since i last stand for such a long time. after the whole thing, i had to stay back for infocomm. finish up the things to be done and left for Plaza Singapura with JX (JiaXuan) to buy our cloth for our CCA banner.
shopped around and did stupid things. hahas.

after that, went to AngelSky8 to meet my mother. then, we headed to Kovan for dinner. YUMMMY~

sighs. so, i think that's it for the day! =D post again real soon!

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