Thursday, November 23, 2006

i don't like creating troubles.

life can be so confusing. some things you think is right might not be felt the same by other people. well, i just feel that it's okay to voice what i really don't like. i just don't want to tell that person straight in the face. what's the point of creating more unnecessary trouble or commotion. all of those will only hurt feelings. i'm not like those who likes to spout nonsense or create troubles for nothing.

what's more, it's not that i don't dare to accept trouble or doesn't have the guts to do what might be wrong. no one knows how bad i was during primary school. i don't even think they care. out of the sudden i feel like changing something. something so that no one knows. hmms. =]

and seriously, i really dislike you. as time ticks, i feel that the sight of your makes me wanna puke anytime. this is my blog, don't like it or me, just leave and you will feel million times better. hehs.

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