Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Grudge 2~!

what a day. went out in the afternoon and rushed to The Cathay to watch "The Grudge 2". i have to admit that the movie is still as dumb but i think the climax is tensing. at least, it's better than "The Grudge" because it doesn't involve too many conversations. but, maybe there are too many climax that make the whole movie so expected.

the ending was also stupid, i have to say. but, if you really are interested to go; go with you friends, don't go alone (you would feel very lonely and scared) and don't sit beside an empty seat or at the side. you would actually freak yourself out. it's also better to sit with your friends alone in the whole row because other girls might scream (unless you scream like them too ^^). it's rather irritating having people screaming over something that is so expected and so not scary.

the sad part of the whole movie is that everyone who went into that "haunted" house died because of that curse. you would also finally know why the lady (or the ju-on) wanted revenge and how she got all the evil in her. hais. edison who acted as eason died too. he died a horribly death but still look as suave. hahas. i also found out that he looks so much like "Wu Yan Zu" in some angles. and did i mention? he speaks good English. i was really surprised. hahas.

thank god i went with haniza. she treated me to the movie!! hahas. it's a once in a blue moon's treat. hahas. that's why i went out with her. she seldom, or should i say... never? nahs, seldom is a better word to describe. she seldom treat me to something. =] anyway, THANKS HANIZA, i enjoyed the day. at least we had some serious talking and so on. no doubt, she's still the one who knows me inside out! (: one thing good, no correcting of my English from her today. hahas.

gotta get some rest. having social studies re-test tomorrow (hate this) and guess what? i didn't study at all. i've prepared to stay back next year for extra lessons unless that you-know-who teach us again (i will sure skip her lesson). maybe not. LOLs.

yeahs, going to bed le. nights.

*i'm so relaxed! back to more problems tomorrow.! hais.

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