Thursday, November 16, 2006


okay~ frankly speaking, i'm missing my group members already.

it's been three long, tiring but still fun days at CCA Branch. i really enjoyed the whole camp! it's my very first time having group members who are so enthusiastic, initiative and FUN! LOLs. good thing i made up my mind to play hard throughout this camp.

woke up damn early. me and yanling were struggling whether to take cab to the location the night before and i slept at 2! LOLs. in the end, we decided to take the bus. well, it was a forty-five minutes journey and because of the unclear map and undetailed instructions (from the bus driver) we overshot!! it was like; 'what the hell?!?' the distance between two bus-stop was damn long. in the end, we walked to the opposite and took 153 back again. was late for 15minutes but thank god, we weren't the latest. =]

first day, shy day. hahs. we were driven to this Labrador Adventure Campsite. it was nice. first up for the day was a lecture. not exactly boring but it was slightly boring. hahs. then, we were sepearated into our constant group. i'm in GROUP3, the 3SQUARES (our group name). so lucky!! 3 was, is and will be my lucky number! whahas! played some ice-breakers.

tell you what. for the first time, i opened up! i didn't kept quiet nor spoke softly. i just played like what we were supposed to do. hahas. it was fun. i like Cheryl and Gloria alot. they were like so enthu lo. LOLs. especially cheryl. she got the overall best trainee in the camp. expected because shes' a very confident speaker who takes initiatives for anything. LOLs. she's also fun (hit my head!!) LOLs. Gloria looks very like XiaoXuan but i like her personality. she was cute and lame, but not sarcastic. hahas.

after the games, we start our group discussion. it was kindda surprising because we were discussing, debating as if we were really from the same committee. it feels damn great to be surrounded by a group of leaders (most vice or chairman) shooting out whatever they think but also not forgetting to listen to others. and, i voiced out something which was approved! hahas. lunch was next followed by another discussion. i've never plan something within less than 24-hours! LOLs. but, it feels great at the end.

team-building game was fun but not boring. i participated willingly trying hard not to think that the games are lame. lols. we were first seperated (again) to our temporary groups (only for the 14th) then, we played some games which i won't elaborate on much. the games were quite nice but i've played most of them. met more new friends and then, did some reflections before being dismissed.


damn boring day. was seated in the CCABs' auditorium for almost the whole day. had three lectures? LOLs. but i seriously find the "maintainence and repair of instruments" workshop useful. it's like so cool lo. before seperated to each sections, we were talked to by this old man (oops). kindda boring because he spoke a language i hardly understand (mandarine). i had to make myself listen and try to understand which led to me feeling damn sleepy.

quite a fun day though. lols. did our presentation and i think it was great. we got the forth! LOLs. how i wish we could get the third (my lucky number!!).
we also did our cheers. nice. short and sweet. LOLs.


frankly speaking, i almost cried. today was so god damn fun. had conducting lessons and we even tried it out! LOLs. i didn't though. didn't dare. but i have to say, i've learnt many, many! LOLs. at the end of the lectures and trials, we had a combine.

it was heaven! we were so quiet where we were suppose to and we stopped at the right time also started at the right time. it sounds so so good! LOLs. it was really nice.
after the conductor did some long boring talking, we were given a chance to conduct too but, i didn't go up. after the whole combine, we went back to the auditorium for the last briefing, prize presentation and some video watching. the two videos almost made me cry. i hate it when we have to part with a group of friends. hais.

finished everything then, took many pictures before leaving the compound. i will sure miss the days! good thing we took picutures. =]


anyway, it's over le. so, i will remember the days and keep the pictures took. memories to me are dead and not valuable. but, pictures captivate the memories which keeps them alive. =] TIRED!! need some rest. hehs.

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