Wednesday, October 25, 2006


sorry for taking such a long time to post and update, because of my damn internet connections making me so relunctant to post.

anyway, i can't really recall what happened after my last post. let's just skip to friday bahs. =]

on friday(20.10.06) , after school, went out with yanling, jiaxuan, bingcheng, edmond, chengheng and zariel. went to bugis because chengheng, bingcheng and edmond wanted to buy wallet and check out the bags. had nothing else to do so we just walked around. waited for dickson to come, so we shopped around and yanling finally managed to shop AND BUY a mickey tee. hahas. after meeting with dickson, we went to plaza sing to have dinner. rushed there because yanling made a remark:

"i won't have my dinner after 1800hrs."

so, we all rushed back while teasing her. it's a pity she and him is over. it's so obvious he still can't forget her lorhs. lols.

anyway, saturday was another suffering day with xiaoxuan. she BITE me lorhs. wah lau. LOLs. pinch me somemore. it was a SEAFOOD DAY!! hahas. in the morning, ate seafood spagetti(is it even spelled like this?!?). also had CRAB for dinner. hahas. so long le..

after dinner, we played mahjong and i won $1.60, the overall winner!! wahahs! =]

sunday was out with parents. monday attend the ever so boring school and sat in the hall until our butt rot. also had orchestra and THREE meetings. that day was damn tiring.

yesterday(tuesday) was hari raya so, it was a public holiday. spent the whole day with my parents in parkway parade and bought a new Mp3. hehs.

think that's about all le bahs.. hehs.

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