Wednesday, October 11, 2006

it's the end of the W........

finally, after much awaiting, preparation and much mugging, exams are seriously over!!!

couldn't wait for this day to be over(at least, for this year).

all the papers i've sat were fine. i'm not really confident that i'll pass all but i'm sure i'll score at least ten marks above average for most subjects. i hope i don't fail my physics. that's the only subject i've studied well and also the first i started leaving blanks due to the insufficient time given. anyway, today was A.maths. couldn't finish it and seriously lost 24 marks. wasn't able to do some of the questions at the back because i suddenly had this information-blocked in my brain. mistakes (careless) were repeating themselves. sighs. hope i'll be able to pass the paper.

anyway, after each paper, the day was as per usual. slack in school for at least fifteen minutes before leaving for lunch(not everyday) and home sweet home for studying(which never happens). hahas.

after today's paper, slack abit and went home. took about an hour to prepare and left my house. didn't expect to be the earliest but still, waited for gary and jianhui to meet me. on the way, saw yulin and yaping.. didn't greet them because we weren't close at all. then saw donna and her sister. and all i have to say is that, her sis is pretty although they look almost identical. i just like her sister's smile. her sister also has high cheek bones.

gary arrived first just before i met donna, then came jianhui. waited in the train platform for soohou, jiaxuan and samuel to take the train down from sengkang to our stop. samuel was late claiming that he didn't know the time and we waited for a very long time before deciding to take the train to sengkang to meet up with the three.

while waiting, i saw two serious butch. gosh. i really thought that they were guys at first. they were dressed up in such a way that they looked like gangsters but to bad, girls can't change the fact that they are females no matter how much they hate being one. i saw that key thing when they sort of bend forward. you know, that particular thing that determinds the gender of a person. =]

went straight to takashimaya and to the library. the journey was long and it was kindda embarrassing because gary and jianhui were playing games in their PSP and gary was crusing when he lost. but, at least it was better in the train rather than the time he shouted( i meant really shouted): "FUCK!!!" in the hougangs' mrt platform. at that point of time, i wanted to just walk away and act as if i've never met such an uncivilised person. LOLs. nahs, just kidding. it was funny seeing someone cursing so loudly because of a game.

after reaching the library and borrowing the books we wanted, we left for the customers' service. gary wanted to have lunch but we end up deciding to wait for chanelle and fengni who were on their way from parkway parade. went to the customer service and asked for the availability of job (job vacancy or whatever it is).

the receiptionist was so clear that we went to the wrong lift and had to return and ask the second time. she was even talking in such a polite manner that made us want to curse her like hell.
here is a brief about our conversation:
jas- "err, can you please repeat the direction you gave?"
she- "you wanted to look for job right?"
jas- "yeahs."
she- "just go to the lift and to the tenth floor"
gary- "but, there's no tenth floor."
she- (did some explanations and gave directions.)
gary- "yeahs, we went to that lift but there's no tenth floor"
she- "yes, there is. i've been here since the first day..."

i didn't think she smiled at all. hmms. maybe a little when she said she had been in taka since the first day. followed her instructions the second time and we realised that we went to the wrong lift. there were a whole stretch of lifts and we sort of missed out the other half of the "A tower". asked for job vacancy in the human resource department. by the time, we were all like dead le.. so tired.. LOLs. but, too bad, we're underage. one more year to be part of the company. so, that was a wasted trip.

after asking, we went down to have lunch and met up with fengni and chanelle. then, we went to paragon to but jianhui's brother's bag. i say that jianhui is really from a very rich family. gary shouldn't be called richie neo but jianhui should be called that richie quek (the rich duck?!?). hahas. then, we went to sony gallery and spend quite a long time playing and looking at the phone. after much considerations, i have deicided to but K800i. it's cool because it's cybershot with a 3.2 mega pixel camera. buying this phone entitles me to a ipod too. so, why not? LOLs.

after paragon, we went to cinneleisure so as to expose gary to that place which seems new to him after nine years. looked around until all our legs were sore. settled down in burger king and went home after that. the rest went to net force(what raising stars one) while me and jiaxuan went home.

that sort of sums up my day, right after the last paper of the end of year examinations.

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