Wednesday, September 06, 2006

gosh, i can't believe it...

i can't believe it. hais.

went for orchestra practice today. first thing first, it was such a slacking practice. secondly, i think the teacher doesn't like me. my intuition tells me so and i don't think i'm wrong. i guess i gave her attitude first bahs. last week, went for sectional practice and she saw me with a remark: "haiyoh, seldom see you around."
i pulled a smile and walked away. hais. it's not that i wanna skip practice on purpose.. what's more, i've realise that my skills are getting from bad to worse. at least, i "collected" all my broken skills today. found my true musician self. haven't been enjoying the play of music because was kindda busy and i couldn't concentrate not even when i played audition.

anyway, there's another practice again tomorrow. right after mdm ong's maths lesson. hais.

well, you're not forgotten. weird huh? i thought so too. i thought they were over, things were done, chapter ended with the story but i guess it's just the chapter that has ended. the story still has to go on huh? hais. how i wish things weren't the way they are right now. why is it always like that? i can't just believe it. it's not as though it's very difficult right? hais. let's not talk about this anymore. i'm tired. my brain's tired too. hais. and, my fingers hurts. just can't believe what she said and what i've heard..

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