Friday, September 22, 2006

before back to reading.

suddenly felt like posting out of the sudden before going on to read my book.

for the past few days, nothing special happened. nothing in particular.

monday was special. after much preparations, it's finally our big big day to perform. it turn out quite fun and fairly good. although we did not meet out depict (as Jason has put it), we have indeed did our best. ;"to those who really put in their effort to make this a good show, THANK YOU AND GOOD JOB".

well, as per usual, there were some people who didn't really co-operate. tried to really debrief and i guess it's muh better than compared to last friday. at least, people listened to me. two items were cancelled from the whole concert. during the last song: "matsuri", Jason came out to conduct but looked very disappointed. just like some little kid who was hurt for not keeping promise (like for not getting a candy for him). daniel was not happy either. i didn't really know why they are unhappy. but, one thing for sure, this performance did not show the best in orhcestra and i am sure there were many who did notput in any effort at all.

i'm just glad that the concert was fairly successful. i didn't expect much in the first place with some bad attitudes from some not-ready-to-be musicians. however, this is the first performance for most of us so i guess they were raw bahs. =] right after the concert, jasmine-lam samuel gary agnes and i rushed all the way to nanyang poly. that sort of sums up the day.

had my chinese oral on tuesday. i guess i scored fairly good but who cares. i really cannot be bothered with chinese. then, while waiting for the rest to finish their oral (gary jx soohou jh), i slack outside the classroom. after jx and gary, we waited for jh and soohou who both seem like never gonna be their turn. while waiting, had a small chat with the guys and then a little past chat with yiceng and qinwoon and kokkeong.. talked about our primary school stuffs and maybe gonna organise a class gathering after end of year exam.

hmms. wednesday.. can't remember what i did actually. LOLs. too plain bored bahs.

yesterday had a sleepy tuition. hahas. couldn't take it but in the end got some energy while working out those sums.

today was fine too. visited nanyang poly again for infocomm. learned about sms thingy and i think it's quite fun. today, i'm lucky to be one of the lucky draw winner.. how i wish i would be able to be this lucky to get that 30GB iPod thingy i saw in the teens magazine. i really want that limited edition cool-die (goodie)!! hahas.

after the workshop, went out to have dinner with jx. quite fun as in the chatting parts. at least i can have some time alone with someone for some serious chats. hahas. saw xiaoxuan thrice.. lols. so unlucky. but it's a funny thing that jx is more sensitive to see her around rather than me. i knew her longer but couldn't spot her easily i was kindda blind. anyway, it's like a telepathy that we actually walked up and down to find food and met each other. hahas.

reached home at about 1935+ and trust me, i was real high for no particular reason. lols.

i guess i won't post fast bahs. like soohou have been prompting indirectly. end of year coming le. it's in 6 days time. gosh. can't wait for it to start and end but i'm totally unprepared. gosh! left all my text in school! hahas. okay.

gotta get some reading started. buh bye! =] don't miss me.. hehs.

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