Friday, August 25, 2006

People, Attitude, WHATEVER!

in NYP now. not boring but still, not very interesting either. it's yet another plain day. i miss orchestra, miss my instrument and my scores. practice it yesterday. it has really been a while since i last touch my instrument, fingers hurt after about fourty-five minuets of practising?
ohh yeahs, i failed two subjects. my english by 0.7 and combine humanities by 2 marks. wasted. hais. but too bad, i can't do anything.

it's been rough struggling with my mind and feelings these days. haven't been sleeping well with dreams interupting my sleep.

anyway, one fairly good news: my team has got into the finals for the alice. finally, our hard work paid off! what's more, we attended the briefing yesterday. the good news atop of the good news: if we get to the first, we will get $500. second, we will get $400. third, $300 and lastly if we don't get to any, it's okay we will still be awarded $200. IN CASH!!

just vistited two of my friend's blog. now, i think people can really change especially their attitude. didn't knew he was that awful. how can he treat someone who was once his ''brother'' like a stranger. what's more, he jumped into conclusion. i can't believe it. he can't even differentiate between good and bad. he still don't realise his mistakes, still insisting that he's right. i just can't believe my eyes. maybe it's because i don't really understand. well, i don't even bother. he suddenly look so freaky. so not real.

hais. till the next post, tata!

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