Friday, August 18, 2006

GREAT results!!

had a wonderful yesterday but a terrible night following by a sleepy morning and a blurred but fun afternoon. =]

got back my maths result yesterday. quite satisfied with my e.maths result and rather happy for my a.maths.

Chinese: 70/100
E.Maths: 26/35
A.Maths: 33/40

although didn't get a A1 for EMaths, i'm still glad that i got A2. I even thought that i would fail it because i didn't convert my units and so on so for. also happy that i scored 17/18 for my graph. maybe i scored well because of my graph bahs. really need to thank my form teacher for giving us so many practices.

last night slept like hell. didn't study at all. wasted. but today's paper is rated: soso. not very easy but not very diificult too. just hope i'll be able to pass it. guess won't pass it with flying colours but still, passing is enough.

in NYP now. repeating what i've completed weeks ago. hmms. i think i should go do my roundings again. lecturer just finished her teaching.

be back soon! =]

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