Thursday, August 03, 2006

first day of homeroom.

this sucks! today is the first day of homeroom whereby we own our classes. i hate it.. urg! anyway, i'm now having SRP (structured remedial program) for computer studies. hahas. not doing anything much because our group is trying to rush through ALICE. this competition we are suppose to take part that invovles some programming.. guess what.. the deadline is tomorrow. hais. my program is like shit. it's now only done with a mad scientist which we might name him aaron. hahas. and the three different positions of the three states of matter. =] i hope it will turn out good.

well, it's been a while since i last posted. there are many things that are happening these days. hais. why is life so tedious?

i hate him! i hate him ten times more than i hate homeroom. how can anyone be so coldblooded to their own relatives? just realise that my parents might have paid for his spendings. this means that he has been cheating us from the start. i mean like it's a suspect but if it's really true, i really don't know what to say. this suspicious act is kindda half proven le lorhs. hais. don't wanna talk about it. what i know now is i'm not hate him but not see him as much as we use to. how i wish i can choose to not regard him as part of my family.

hais. as days pass, i feel very tired. common test two is coming. tomorrow is the first paper. English. competitions making me dream about them. hais. my head is really gonna burst! gosh.

till the next time, buh bye!

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