Saturday, July 22, 2006

THANK YOU mrs. wong and soohou!!!

lols. soohous' birthday celebration chalet is neither the best nor worse one i've been to however, it's the first chalet organised by my friends that i can stay overnight. finally a day or should i say a night i could stay away from home legally, also with my parent's consent. one day to relax totally and play all i want.

the chalet didn't turn out the way i expected it to be. what's more, the worst news i received is that i have to go for course for infocomm club after school at two. it really spoilt my mood. but still, everything worked out just fine. =]

after school, jiaxuan had to meet xinhui's boyfriend to collect my volleyball i loan to xinhui and go back home to pass it to her sister. i wanted to tag along but felt that i shouldn't give excuses to skip any seconds of infocomm. boring but still, it's my responsibilty. what's more, i'm not really needed to do the collecting and delivering of my volley ball so, i stayed in school and waited for the bus to fetch us to NYP.

it's the same course we attened on monday. one thing that is very different is the lecturer. hahas. from a so-so boring 'he' to a ok-ok 'sleepy' her. hahas. in fact, it's worst being in 'her lesson. maybe because i'm not used to her accent but i just feel sleepy listening to her lecture just like a baby listening to a lullaby going to bed. =p

had some corruption in the room we were suppose to go and end up starting the whole course late. slacked for about thirty minutes and jiaxuan came into my sight with our black 2eC's class tee-shirt and three-quater jeans. hmms. then, we somehow escape from the never-gonna-end course at around four-thirty. =] i like celine. one of the staffs. her english is not really good but the way she present herself really make me envy her. she looked so confident. although she's not one of the lecturers, i still think she has confidence in herself. more than enough that is.

so after the course, me and jiaxuan went to cheers in the school to buy oreo for jiaxuan's lunch. we missed the bus. damn! we were walking towards the bus stop when the bus came and we didn't run for it. =] minutes later, another 72 came. it took around twenty minutes to reach my home's area. jiaxuan had to alight earlier than me because she has to go get the cake while i get back home and have a warm bath. it was so refeshing. what would it be if the world has no water? hahas.

as i came out from the toilet, i realise jiaxuan was already in my house waiting. i did some touching up to the things i've packed and check on the cake jiaxuan bought. it was sort of ruin with one of the round sides being 'inside' because of the wholesome cream. gave it a helping hand and it looks edible still. hahas! because jiaxuan was thirsty, she made herself a cup of ribena and i ate "some" meat balls (some and i almost finished them all) and 3 hotdogs readily cooked. hahas. i was so hungry. then, we 'rushed' to the nearby bus stop to board 89 but wasted some time at the park. we had to wait for jiejie yani to come by to pass us jiaxuan's wallet and my watch. jiaxuan larhs. i wanted to go back home to take my watch at first because i realised i was without my watch when we just walk down but she insisted that it's okay since i've got my handphone. lols. she herself didn't realise she forgot her wallet till jiejie yani called. lols.

then, we walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus. it didn't take very long when the bus arrive. thank god it was a double deck. we went up and sat down around the forth seat from the back. then, we started chatting about stuffs in school and what's happening with friends. while chatting, i realised a couple. they came up and they looked as though they had quarrelled. jiaxuan continued talking while my eyes kept looking at the couple who was infront. the girl cried. both me and jiaxuan laughed because the girl was angry with the guy but after the guy made a few attempts to hug her she gave in. lols. then, jiaxuan sat with me and told me that the girl was too soft and that the guy will surely bully her. lols. no wonder people always say girls are busy bodies. =]

anyway, on the way to the chalet, i called gary and told him about our 'plan' for soohou's birthday surprise. however, my phone was going flat and that mr. gary was like in a hurry saying that they are setting up the fire.

we reached pasir ris and stroll to the chalet. because my handphone has got no more battery, me and jiaxuan had to look for public phone. called gary and then we waited for him outside. passed him the cake then we enter the chalet. told gary to hide in one place but he somehow ruin the plan because he ran to the room then just nice the rest were coming out of the room. so i guess soohou sort of 'saw' the surprise bahs. lols. then, we tried to chase soohou away to look for the ''missing'' gary and accompany jiaxuan to her sister's BBQ pit while we try to prepare the stuffs. it was also almost ruin by samuel because he didn't know our plan and volunteered to look for gary. in the end, samuel, jiaxuan and soohou went out. =]

settled down to wait for the three while playing with the rest, edmond jinhui yixin and bingcheng. the three took about forty-five minutes to come back. we waited and waited while the rest were BBQ-ing. a while later, me and yanling went up to the room to get my phone charged. not long after, jiaxuan called me saying that we should get prepared in about five minutes. lols. so we rushed down and started to light the candle. it was kindda ruin by the strong wind. tsk! but still, we manage to give soohou the surprise which doesn't seem to make him surprised at all. lols. soohou looked as though he knew what was up our sleeves lorhs. lols.

cut and distributed the cake. me yanling fengni chanelle then went up to the room. chatted, watched the television and eat the cake. chanelle and fengni started to play poker then we all decided to play 'snatch' because i don't feel like playing black jack. =] as we were playing 'snatch', the guys took turn to 'deliver' the BBQ-ed food but we end up eating nothing. hahas. for once, i broke the record for myself. i only ate one satay. hahas. maybe it's because i ate some food before i leave my home and also the cake. =]

after one or two rounds of 'snatch', i suggested to play true or dare. the winner of 'snatch' will have the privilegde to spin the bottle or phone. we also asked sooqin, soohou's sister, to play. chanelle won the first round and we used fengni's phone to spin. fengni got it!! hahas. and we dared her to **** someone. hahas. it's kindda obvious but we made an agreement not to leak that secret. =] then we played again, this time one the floor. it was chanelle again! she spin and yanling got it. she wanted true but we didn't ask her anything. wanted to dare her to get someone's number we don't know. she insisted that she don't wanna play with people she don't know. chanelle spinned the bottle again and for three times, it pointed at yanling. because she didn't wanna play with people she don't know we had no choice but to change the game. so, we decided to play double dare. i got it then i spin again. the bottle pointed at yanling. fengni and chanelle suggested that we both go take numbers together but yanling sort of spoiled the whole mood for playing that game so we ended up watching "Love a 0 degree celsius".

at around 2135, we went to cheers to buy alcholic drinks with the help of soohou's mother. soohou has such a good mother that allows him to do anything he wants. *envy* =p

we slack around then went back to the room. wanted to start drinking but end up not because we couldn't open the bacadi. then, the boys started to play with cakes. tsktsktsk. jiaxuan came up complaining about being bullied for two times but she still went down to get bullied. lols. after a while, the boys decided to stop BBQ-ing so they cleared the place and came up.

because they had nothing to do, fengni and chanelle went down to have a seat. they didn't inform us so me and gary went down to look for them and join their chats. they were talking about someone who wasn't invited but was going to join us. at first we thought we won't be able to sleep because that person is kindda noisy but in the end, that person slept first. then, jiaxuan soohou and sooqin came down with their rollar blades followed by yanling.

then, fengni yanling me gary and chanelle went up to the room. we sat on the bed after we managed to get yanling to chase the boys who were playing poker to be on the floor before we went up. if i'm not wrong, lance and the other who i don't know how to spell the name came and went out again. we slacked and then don't know who started to drink bacadi. bingcheng hurt both of his hands because he wanted to help us open the cap. tsktsktsk. so 'ke lian' hahas. then we started drinking. among the girls, fengni was the first to finish up the bottle.

then, half way through, chanelle and gary became very high. hahas. they ran down to ground floor and started to run about. lols. because before drinking, chanelle told us not to allow her to go downstairs afraid that she might do something silly like the last time she was drunk. we chased after both the wild people and we all ended up sweating. hahas. just finish bathing but because of chanelle and gary, most of us started to sweat! lols. although it's like that, we all had tonnes of fun because we were together. hahas.

before the running, gary parents came over and gary went to look for lynn. a while later, jiaxuan had to go home so gary lynn went to send her to look for her sister. they took quite a long time because they were hungry and went to fill their tummy. =]

after so much running, we went back to the room. by then, it was about 0015++ le. wanted to go watch the sun rise but in the end, everyone was sleeping because they felt dizzy. at around 0145, yanling had to go home so me bingcheng and jinhui went to send her. on the way back to the chalet, we saw gary they all coming out. they complain that they couldn't sleep because there were snoring musical going on. lols. we sat down and started to discuss about what we were going to do. it was about 2hrs before we want to come out to watch the sun rise. so all of us went back to the room. fengni lynn and chanelle slept on the bed while soohou edmond slept on the matteres and gary jinhui and yixin slept on the floor. i wanted to wait for the time we go to watch sun rise so i sat on the floor with samuel and bingcheng.

at that point of time, the time seem to move very slowly. at first, i saw my watch and it showed 0209 the next time i saw it again, it was 0229. then, i thought to myself that the time was really making me tired. lols. i waited till about 0445 but no one woke up so i started to try to sleep on the floor. then at around 0512, it was so god damn cold with no choice, i went up to the bed and sat to sleep. lols. the bed was so noisy lorhs! lols. chanelle kept waking up lols. i slept. then, i remembered chanelle shouting cockroach. it was a big one! then, we called gary because it was around him. lols. then after soohou sweep away the cockroach, i went back to sleep. by the time i wake up again, it was around 0720+. i was woken up by soohou's talking. i kept hearing him say that i wasn't sleeping because my eyes were open. lols.

then, i sat up and washed my face. sat with the guys then chanelle woke up too. we were so hungry but wanted to wait for the rest to wake up. hahs. fengni was sleeping like a log. once i remember chanelle teasing her while she was sleeping. hahas. she even tried to wake her up by saying that we were going to have breakfast at around 0536. lols.

after the rest wake up, we waited till about 0830 because i wanted somemore sleep or else i'll drop. lols. went to have breakfast at 0830 then i messaged my mother, father and my sister. hahas. told them i was going to have breakfast in macdonald. lols. then, after breakfast, we went to arcade. by the time we reach there, i didn't have any mood.

out of the sudden remembered so many things that has happened. out of the sudden felt sad. hais. after about 1hours stay in the arcade, chanelle soohou fengni and gary went to Xbox to play. me and lynn stayed there till about twenty minutes then we left for the chalet. i wanted to sleep but in the end, i played mahjong with the guys while lynn rested on the bed. the mahjong so cute lorhs. so small. lols.

then, about thirty to forty five miuntes later, soohou and gang came back. by the time it was about 1155 to 1215 le. then i felt tired so i went to sleep again. lols. soohou was beside me lynig down on the bed while messaging. then, edmond gary bingcheng fengni jinhui yixin lynn played the murderer and what victim and what detective one larhs. they were so noisy but i still slept with chanelle on my right hand side sleeping too. the last thing i could remember was soohou sleeping soundly on my left hadn side with his cap over his face. lols.

by the time i wake up, lynn had to leave followed by the guys and samuel. then, we slack for a while. samuel messaged gary that serene and the rest were on their way. hahas. i think it was about 1405 plus bahs.

after they came in to the room, we slack then went out to sit and discuss what we were going to do. we all felt very odd so we decided to go home. packed our things and bid farewell with the rest in the chalet.

we strolled to the bus stop and took the 89 bus to hougang mall. ate our lunch and i went home while gary fengni and chanelle went to collect gary's SHE album and to arcade to play drum. at first, i wanted to go back to hougang mall to reutn my library book but in the end i felt too tired so stayed at home and slacked.

had a bath and then BLOG!! hahas. =]

kkae larhs. i tired le. buh bye!

2,656 words. =]

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