Thursday, July 27, 2006

the end of HOMEROOM system.

after two long days, she has finally smiled! hahas. our teacher cried two days ago because...
1. almost everyone in class failed the ''sets'' test. (the one i didn't take) even those who studied.
2. we were suppose to bring text book but fourteen of us somehow forgotten.
3. she cannot take us anymore.
i was one of the fourteen who forgot their text book. hahas. actually, i brought it to school but i somehow mistook that it is not needed so i end up asking jianhui to put it in their locker. however, i was very wrong. =]
for two long days, she hung a stern look on her face. no smile, just stares. some of us couldn't take it because we felt real stress and scared. hahas. anyway, some people somehow make her smile. i guess she has ''forgiven'' our ''sin'' hahs. what's more, we did something on tuesday which attracted tonnes of ''audience'' to apologise to our teacher. we dre a big "SORRY" and everyone wrote a short message with their signature. in the end, we decided to make it a funny 'card' and drew those draw-able nicknames like penguin, panda, frog, santa claus and so on and so for.

another week and homeroom system is over. urg! i hope things doesn't have to change at all. i really enjoyed the homeroom system because i feel more awake during each subject change. at least i don't have to face th same four walls most of the time. but now, because of bird flu or something like that, we are back to ''students-own-their-classes''. just hope i won't sleep during class. ohh yeahs! my teacher even said thatour sitting arrangment might be permanent throughout every subject. can you believe it? it's encouraged by the principle. if this is really gonna be carried out, i'm really gonna be dead. for sure i'll fall asleep during lessons. hais.

she spoke to me about her problems le. fnally answered the knot in my heart. she herself realise what i thought was myself being too sensitive. guess she's just too stress bahs. maybe she doesn't have anyone in her class to look up to. hais.

gotta go. buh bye!

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