Friday, June 30, 2006

jealousy KILLS!

this is a post to my dear friend who say that she hates me in her blog yesterday. if you know who you are and don't wish to continue reading the contents you claim senes, then kindly click on the exit button.

if you haven't click the exit button and is already reading what i'm typing now, hope you don't feel offended with this post. i may sound harsh but please don't take it to heart. i'm still smiling while typing this crap. wanna leave now? lols. anyway, just wanna give you a gentle reminded about the person you have leaned on TWICE. that person was once your listening ear. once but also forever. if ever you still feel like crying, feel free to wet either side of the cloth on my shoulders. =] we made a vow to be friends forever and i think we should stick to it. we going to make tee-shirt le. means we are all GOOD FRIENDS. no special feelings. =]

you said that i've said something or my attitude towards you was bad. well, the first thing you came in to do was question me about what i did to her. you even made a remark that say i was biased to the younger ones. were you there to witness my tone to both of the parties?

i really don't know what happen that your attitude change. don't say that i don't know what i've done. first thing first, don't say i didn't even realise you were talking. if i didn't, i won't shout for you went you turn away and walk.

since you say that it's your blog and i shouldn't comment about anything, i guess you should really not continue reading. yes, it's your blog but no matter what your contents must respect the readers. what's more, blogging is something shown to the public. i bet you will say i'm talking senese now. okay fine, from now on i will shut my gap. next time if you got anything better don't come to me i scared my senses and big logics will be vomitted out again.

what have i really done wrong to make you so angry with me? maybe you can't control your own mood at times but why suddenly it's like always me? we have been friends for so long, no point hiding things from me. this would only made you be unatural and me puzzled and sad. go on and say whatever you want if you have even read up till here.

don't worry, i won't cry pr whatever infront of you le. maybe the next time if i ever can't control my pain or tears, you just walk away as if nothing happened. maybe this way, you will feel better.

if you hate me, then let it be. i can't do anything to make you like me again.
who's the both anyway. guess after you read this post you will feel very angry and pissed because in your mind, i've donw something wrong and stepped your tail but i'm still talking craps here.

hahs. just realise what's the real reason behind you giving me attitude. just admite that you're not angry with me not mainly because for not listening to you and giving you what you think was a bad attitude. hahas. hmms. you should have told me right? we have been so close and you have told me so many of the almost identical things. i understand.

maybe from now on, other than studying in school, i'll go back straight home and you will have more time not seeing me.

but frankly speaking when i first read ur post, i know it was me and i was real pissed for you to make remarks like that. you said you won't use harsh words but you said you hate me. do you know how powerful that three words are? i never expect you to think the way you have mistaken.

if by luck you really read up till here, please call me okay? i've got something real urgent to tell you.. about you-know-who. if you don't call me then i'll take it that you have never even read my posts or just simply ignore it because you still hate me.

hahas. if hating me makes you feel better and more relieved, i don't mind you hating me to the core. as long as you're happy. =]

just wanna let you know that no matter what, we are still friends. no matter how you treat me and what you have said that has really hurt me, i'll still be that shoulder you once lean on when you were unhappy. =] i'm not trying to act good. i'm being truth. just hope you don't get even more angry. =p

just hope this is the last time you doing this again.

P.S: you really made me wanna tear again when you said that you hate me. =(

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