Tuesday, June 13, 2006

dark chocolates SUCKS!

urg! i'm so god damn pissed! go on and say i'm racist. i just had enough with them.

i'm still at my mother's facial's place waiting for her to finish her massage and all. gosh! my face looks like a bunch of mosquitoes have just attacked me! hahas. urg.

well, talk about why i'm pissed. i've just received a call from mr. aavram. when i saw my caller-id, i knew i'm gonna blow. guess what he asked me. he ask me how much was the chalet, what did i buy, where did i spend and even for the receipts for everything. what rights does he have to question me like that? maybe i'm being to sensitive but the questions make me infer that i've not been honest about the money collected and used. well, i've spend all the money, i've even fork out thirty dollars so what do you want now? a refund? there's tonnes of trouble when it comes to people like them. okay fine, he has the rights to ask for the receipts but so what? do you think i really bothered to collect all the receipts? what's more, i wasn't the one shopping for the stuffs. my mum did. does he wanna question my mother? i'm just pissed because he didn't help much but still, he wanna ask me things like that.

about eunice that thing also they blew it up. do they know the whole story? no, of course not. they don't even bother to get the whole picture before jumping into conclusions. gosh. i'm really boiling again!

i don't think he really have the rights to ask me for the accounts, we didn't ask vani for the accounts last year. what's more, i was also the one who bought the things last year. did he even bother to ask and offer help? no, of course not. at least vani asked me whether she could help and so on. did he even ask? no, he just "walk" around with his head up high inspecting us. who does he think he is? so what if you have organised many chalets? does it even matter now? don't be arrogant please. it makes me wanna puke everthing i've eaten during these fifteen years. gosh.

i've really had enough with them. what's more, during the whole chalet yesterday, he and vani borrowed bingcheng and edmond's bike and came back at such a late hour. i know i didn't rent it but still used it more than them but are they close to them in the first place? do they know people are grumbing? did they even bother to consider that?

man, that aavram sucks to the core man. want the account? want to use the services? go eat shiit larhs. arrogant freak. bloody hell. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..

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